Karin Båge

Karin Båge

Educational Developer
Visiting address: ,
Postal address: TL Undervisning och lärande, TL Kontinuerligt lärande och professionell utveckling, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I am a doctoral student in the Global and Sexual Health research group at
    the Department of Global Public Health, education developer at the Unit for
    Teaching and Learning (TL/UoL) and project developer at the Centre of
    Excellence for Sustainable Health.
    Trained in social anthropology and with a professional background in the
    civil society sector, I aim to focus my research and educational activities
    on those who are most at risk of being left behind. This means innovating
    current instruments and practices that are already at scale, as well as
    developing existing systems so as to make a structural shift in how
    organisations and ongoing activities are operating. Projects I co-lead
    - Improving global instruments that measure norms and values to also include
    norms and values related to sexual and reproductive health and rights - a
    collaboration with the World Values Survey.
    - Developing the quality of higher education in all educational programs -
    through advising central strategies - at KI to be equitable and inclusive in
    line with the sustainable development goals, through the project
    Internationalisation of the Curriculum.
    - Training public sector managers in fragile settings to achieve the
    sustainable development goals.
    - Developing tools for the global research community to bridge the know-do
    gap through the Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Health.

    2013 - Masters of Arts in Visual and Media Anthropology at the Freie
    Universität in Berlin, Germany.
    2007 - Bachelors of Arts in Anthropology and International Relations from the
    University of Sussex, UK in 2007.


  • My policy and research areas of interests include sexual and reproductive
    health and rights, and developing the quality of higher education in line
    with the sustainable development goals.
    My doctoral project focuses on norms and agency and their relationship with
    sexual and reproductive health outcomes. The research is based on a
    partnership with the World Values Survey that expanded its battery of
    questions to include questions on norms and attitudes related to sexual and
    reproductive health and rights, such as decision-making, attitudes on early
    marriage and child bearing, gender-based violence, use of contraceptives and
    reproductive health care services. It has been carried out in Ethiopia,
    Kenya, Nigeria, Sweden and Zimbabwe.


  • As an educational developer my responsibilities include designing and
    developing courses, training and advising university students, teachers and
    professionals in the health sector, on matters related to global health,
    intercultural education and education for sustainable development and
    sustainable health.
    *Undergradaute level*
    Global Health 7, 5 ECTs. This is a 5-week elective undergraduate course with
    70-90 students each semester, who spend 3 weeks in Sweden studying theory and
    2 subsequent weeks in a low-income country like Uganda, Tanzania, Vietnam and
    Laos. Beyond regular teaching and coordination responsibilities I also
    participate as an accompanying teacher traveling with the students for the
    duration of the study trip period.
    PREPARE - a pre-departure course for KI students going on an international
    exchange, including a module on global health.
    *Online courses*
    An Introduction to Global Health. This is six week Massive Open Online Course
    (MOOC) introductory course in Global health available on the Edx platform.
    *Teacher training modules*
    Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, distance.
    Global Health for Teaching Staff at KI - a small private online course in
    global health for teaching staff at KI
    Tools for Global Health - workshops for teaching staff at KI.
    Managing Innovation for Sustainable Health

Selected publications


All other publications


  • Educational Developer, Teaching and learning, Karolinska Institutet, 2021-
  • Project Developer, Sustainable Health, Karolinska Institutet, 2020-
  • Educational Developer, Department of Global Public Health, Karolinska Institutet, 2020-2025

Degrees and Education

  • PhD Candidate, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Norms and values as barriers and enablers to global sexual and reproductive health and rights, Karolinska Institutet, 2024

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