Karin Larsson

Karin Larsson

Senior Research Specialist | Docent
Visiting address: D2:01, Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset, 17176 Stockholm
Postal address: K2 Medicin, Solna, K2 Reuma Jakobsson P, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Karin Larsson completed her PhD in biotechnology in 2010. She focused on the production and characterization of antibodies for proteomics research as part of the Human Protein Atlas project at the Royal Institute of Technology. After her PhD, she took up a postdoctoral position at Karolinska Institutet in the Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology in 2011. In 2014, she moved to the Department of Medicine, Solna as a postdoctoral researcher and was appointed Assistant Professor in 2017, a position funded by the Swedish Childhood Cancer Foundation.


  • Karin Larsson's research interests include both adult and pediatric cancers and the role of prostaglandins in carcinogenesis and the effects of prostaglandin inhibition, particularly on the resulting changes in the tumor microenvironment and resistance mechanisms. Using 3D spheroid models and imaging techniques such as live cell imaging and cell painting, the dynamic processes underlying cancer development and response to therapy are investigated. In addition, the research includes comparative studies to evaluate the efficacy and side effects of mPGES-1 inhibitors compared to NSAIDs, with a particular focus on their side effects on the cardiovascular system.
    By comprehensively investigating these interrelated aspects of cancer biology, Karin Larsson aims to uncover new therapeutic targets and strategies to overcome treatment resistance, ultimately improving outcomes for cancer patients.


  • In addition to her research activities, Karin Larsson has completed several courses on teaching in higher education and participates in courses at bachelor's, master's and postgraduate level.

Selected publications


All other publications

  • Corrigendum: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 2023;14(1):5019
    Ladds MJGW; van Leeuwen IMM; Drummond CJ; Chu S; Healy AR; Popova G; Fernandez AP; Mollick T; Darekar S; Sedimbi SK; Nekulova M; Sachweh MCC; Campbell J; Higgins M; Tuck C; Popa M; Safont MM; Gelebart P; Fandalyuk Z; Thompson AM; Svensson R; Gustavsson A-L; Johansson L; Faernegardh K; Yngve U; Saleh A; Haraldsson M; D'Hollander ACA; Franco M; Zhao Y; Hakansson M; Walse B; Larsson K; Peat EM; Pelechano V; Lunec J; Vojtesek B; Carmena M; Earnshaw WC; McCarthy AR; Westwood NJ; Arsenian-Henriksson M; Lane DP; Bhatia R; McCormack E; Lain S
    Larsson K; Kock A; Kogner P; Jakobsson P-J
  • Corrigendum: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 2018;9(1):2071
    Ladds MJGW; van Leeuwen IMM; Drummond CJ; Chu S; Healy AR; Popova G; Fernandez AP; Mollick T; Darekar S; Sedimbi SK; Nekulova M; Sachweh MCC; Campbell J; Higgins M; Tuck C; Popa M; Safont MM; Gelebart P; Fandalyuk Z; Thompson AM; Svensson R; Gustavsson A-L; Johansson L; Farnegardh K; Yngve U; Saleh A; Haraldsson M; D'Hollander ACA; Franco M; Zhao Y; Hakansson M; Walse B; Larsson K; Peat EM; Pelechano V; Lunec J; Vojtesek B; Carmena M; Earnshaw WC; McCarthy AR; Westwood NJ; Arsenian-Henriksson M; Lane DP; Bhatia R; McCormack E; Lain S


  • Senior Research Specialist, Department of Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, 2022-

Degrees and Education

  • Docent, Karolinska Institutet, 2024

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