Judit Liano Pons
Postdoctoral Researcher
E-mail: judit.liano.pons@ki.se
Visiting address: Solnavägen 9, B7, 17165 Solna
Postal address: C1 Mikrobiologi, tumör- och cellbiologi, C1 Tumor Biology Arsenian Henriksson, 171 77 Stockholm
About me
- My background is in molecular cancer biology, more specifically in the MYC
family of proteins. MYC is one of the most deregulated genes in cancer and it
plays crucial roles in cell biology and tumorigenesis. During my PhD,
supervised by Prof. Javier León at University of Cantabria (Spain), I
studied the MYC modulator MNT in depth. I described new MNT functions that
are independent of its previous thought obligate partner MAX. I also
described the interaction between MNT and REL, which connects the MYC and
the NF-kB pathways. I had the chance to work with Dr. Peter J. Hurlin
(Shriners Hospital for Children, Portland, US), expert in the MYC family of
proteins, and Dr. Bigas and Dr. Espinosa (IMIM, Barcelona, Spain), experts
in the NF-kB pathways, during two research stays. These experiences
nourished my interest for molecular biology, for understanding every single
detail of the transformation process. Now, at Prof. Arsenian-Henriksson
group, I am using my knowledge about MYC to find therapeutic alternatives for
the treatment of neuroblastoma, focusing on metabolism and the antioxidant
- Article: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 2024;15(1):1865
- Article: CANCERS. 2023;15(18):4599
- Article: ONCOGENESIS. 2021;10(1):5
- Article: JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. 2020;295(7):2001-2017
- Article: ONCOTARGET. 2016;7(43):69536-69548
All other publications
- Review: CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION. 2022;29(7):1304-1317
- Review: CANCERS. 2021;13(18):4682
- Corrigendum: ONCOGENESIS. 2021;10(8):57