Johanna Lätth
Phd Student
Visiting address: Norra stationsgatan 69, plan 7, 11364 Stockholm
Postal address: K8 Klinisk neurovetenskap, K8 CPF Rahm/Joleby, 171 77 Stockholm
About me
- Doctoral student and clinical forensic psychologist with the PhD
project /Preventing sexual abuse: Towards evidence-based treatment of
at-risk individuals/. The project includes investigations of two CBT
interventions to prevent sexual violence: internet-delivered /Prevent It/
for anonymous users of child sexual abuse material mainly recruited over
Darknet and /Consent/ delivered within the Swedish Prison and Probation
Service to individuals convicted of sexual offending. Name spelled
”Lätth” in publications.
Lätth, J., Landgren, V., McMahan, A., Sparre, C., Eriksson, J., Malki, K.,
Görts-Öberg, K., Rozental, A., Kaldo, V., Andersson, G., Långström, N.,
Rahm, C. Effects of internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy on use of
child sexual abuse material: A randomized placebo-controlled trial on the
Darknet. /Internet Interventions/ 2022 - 30: 100590
- Article: INTERNET INTERVENTIONS. 2022;30:100590
All other publications
- Book: 2020Sexualbrottets psykologi Bemötande - Bedömning - Behandling