Hugh Robinson
Affiliated to Research
Visiting address: Solnavägen 9, Biomedicum C4, 17165 Solna
Postal address: C3 Fysiologi och farmakologi, C3 FyFa Genetisk och farmakologisk epidemiologi, 171 77 Stockholm
About me
- Associate Professor, Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience,
University of Cambridge, UK.
- .. *Cancer Neuroscience*
My lab carries out research in the emerging field of cancer neuroscience:
how cancer cells use neural mechanisms, how they interact with the nervous
system, and how cancer arises in, or metastasizes to the brain. We focus on
how ion channels control membrane potential and intracellular calcium
signalling in cancer cells. Cancers such as pancreatic neuroendocrine
tumours, small-cell lung cancer and some breast and prostate cancers show
neural or neuroendocrine characteristics, including excitability and
vesicular release of peptides and neurotransmitters. We want to understand
how such signalling participates in the invasiveness and progression of these
cancers. As well as these neuroendocrine-differentiated cancers, we are
interested in how brain-metastatic cancer cells interact with neurons, and
how neurotransmitter signalling at synapses promotes survival, invasion and
growth of brain metastases, for example of breast cancer. We use a
combination of patch-clamp and optical recording techniques, cell culture and
computational modelling.
*Selected Recent Publications*
Zeberg H, Dannemann M, Sahlholm K, Tsuo K, Maricic T, Wiebe V, Hevers W,
Robinson HPC, Kelso J, and Pääbo S (2020). A Neanderthal sodium channel
increases pain sensitivity in present-day humans. C*urrent Biology
*30:3465–3469 (See also: “Neanderthal gene linked to pain sensitivity”
News, Nature 583:665).
Zeng Q, Michael IP, Zhang P, Saghafinia S, Knott G, Jiao W, McCabe BD,
Galván, JA, Robinson HPC, Zlobec I, Ciriello G, Hanahan D (2019) /Synaptic
proximity enables NMDAR signalling to promote brain
metastasis/. *Nature *573:526–531. (See also /News and Views: /Barria A
(2019) Dangerous liaisons as tumour cells form synapses with
neurons. /Nature /573:499–501).
Li, L., Zeng, Q., Bhutkar, A., Galván, J.A., Karamitopoulou, E.,
Noordermeer, D., Peng, M.-W., Piersigilli, A., Perren, A., Zlobec, I.,
Robinson, H., Iruela-Arispe M.L. and Hanahan, D. (2018)./ GKAP acts as a
genetic modulator of NMDAR signaling to govern invasive tumor
growt/h. *Cancer Cell *33, 1–16.
Mendonça, P.R.F., Kyle, V., Yeo, S.-H., Colledge, W.H., and Robinson, H.P.C.
(2018). /Kv4.2 channel activity controls intrinsic firing dynamics of
arcuate kisspeptin neurons: Kv4.2 potassium channels and firing irregularity
in kisspeptin neurons/. *J. Physiol. *596, 885–899.
Robinson, H.P.C., and Li, L. (2017). /Autocrine, paracrine and necrotic NMDA
receptor signalling in mouse pancreatic neuroendocrine tumour cells/. *Open
Biol.* 7, 170221.
Scheppach, C., and Robinson, H.P.C. (2017). /Fluctuation analysis in
nonstationary conditions: single Ca/2+/ channel current in pyramidal
neurons./ *Biophys. J.* 113, 2383–2395.
Butler, J.L., Mendonca, P.R.F., Robinson, H.P.C., and Paulsen, O.
(2016)./ Intrinsic Cornu Ammonis Area 1 theta-nested gamma oscillations
induced by optogenetic theta frequency stimulation./ *J. Neurosci. *36,
Mendonça, P.R., Vargas-Caballero, M., Erdélyi, F., Szabó, G., Paulsen, O.,
and Robinson, H.P. (2016). /Stochastic and deterministic dynamics of
intrinsically irregular firing in cortical inhibitory
interneurons./ *Elife* 5, e16475.
- Article: CURRENT BIOLOGY. 2020;30(17):3465-3469.e4
- Article: NATURE. 2019;573(7775):526-531
- Article: CANCER CELL. 2018;33(4):736-751.e5
- Article: JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON. 2018;596(5):885-899
- Article: BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL. 2017;113(11):2383-2395
- Article: OPEN BIOLOGY. 2017;7(12):170221
- Article: ELIFE. 2016;5:e16475
- Article: JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE. 2016;36(15):4155-4169
- Article: DEVELOPMENT. 2015;142(18):3178-3187
- Article: JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY. 2015;113(2):537-549
- Article: JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY. 2013;109(11):2739-2756
- Article: JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE. 2012;32(41):14064-14073
- Article: NATURE NEUROSCIENCE. 2012;15(3):477-S1
- Article: JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY. 2011;106(4):1901-1922
- Article: COGNITIVE NEURODYNAMICS. 2011;5(3):241-251
- Article: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE. 2011;34(2):199-212
- Article: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY. 2010;61(4):501-526
- Article: PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY. 2010;6(9):e1000951
- Article: PLOS ONE. 2010;5(3):e9608
- Article: JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY. 2009;101(2):1056-1072
- Article: JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE METHODS. 2008;169(2):271-281
- Article: JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE. 2008;28(8):1871-1881
- Article: BIOESSAYS. 2007;29(2):178-187
- Article: BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL. 2007;92(2):683-695
- Article: PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 2006;74(4 Pt 1):041909
- Article: JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY. 2006;95(4):2650-2663
- Article: JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE. 2005;25(23):5657-5665
- Article: JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE. 2005;25(10):2597-2608
- Article: BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL. 2005;88(1):739-750
- Article: NEUROSCIENCE. 2005;134(2):425-437
- Article: NEUROSCIENCE. 2005;134(2):439-448
- Article: JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY. 2004;92(4):2283-2294
- Article: JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE. 2004;24(27):6171-6180
- Article: JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY. 2003;89(5):2778-2783
- Article: PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 2002;66(6 Pt 1):061902
- Article: JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE. 2000;20(16):6181-6192
- Article: BIOELECTROCHEMISTRY. 2000;51(2):107-115
- Article: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE. 2000;12(6):1961-1970
- Article: BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL. 1999;77(3):1418-1427
- Article: BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL. 1999;76(2):670-678
- Article: NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS. 1998;252(1):49-52
- Article: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE. 1998;10(2):488-496
- Article: JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON. 1996;497 ( Pt 1)(Pt 1):67-78
- Article: NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS. 1996;206(2-3):109-112
- Article: JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE. 1995;15(10):6834-6845
- Article: NEUROREPORT. 1995;6(3):527-523
- Show more
All other publications
- Published conference paper: BIOSYSTEMS. 2007;89(1-3):110-116
- Meeting abstract: NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH. 2007;58:s28
- Review: JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON. 2006;575(Pt 2):361-365
- Published conference paper: LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE. 2005;3561:150-155