Hermon Berhane

Hermon Berhane

Head of Finances
Telephone: +46852483677
Visiting address: Alfred Nobels Allé 8 plan 8, 14152
Postal address: H5 Laboratoriemedicin, H5 Administrativa kansliet, 141 52 Huddinge

About me

  • Lead and distribute workload wit the finance group.
    Main responsibilty for the departments overall budget planning, budget follow
    and producing annual resource allocation information
    My primary responsibilities include but are not limited to
    * To lead and distribute the workload within the finance group
    * Main responsibilty for the departments overall budget planning and budget
    follow up
    * Main responsibility for producing resource allocation information
    * To support the financial officer's work with the departments various
    * Establish and maintain a working relationship with various external and
    internal funders and central KI offices
    * Ensure that the department complies with various regulations set by
    external and internal grantors.

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