Håkan Andersson

Håkan Andersson

Senior Lecturer
Telephone: +46852486326
Visiting address: Solna vägen 9, 17165 Solna
Postal address: C2 Institutionen för Medicinsk biokemi och biofysik, C2 Forskningsanknytning, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Senior lecturer in biochemistry
    Associate professor (Lnu)
    GUA (director of undergraduate education) at MBB


  • I have a background in applied biochemistry (PhD from Lund University, 1999)
    and the different technologies for separation and analysis that can be found
    within this field. My research comprises the relationship between the
    structure and activity of molecules. Methodologically, I have extensive
    experience in technologies for prediction, preparation, and evaluation of
    molecularly imprinted polymer selectivity via analysis of
    pre-polymerisation/complexation, polymer synthesis, radioligand binding, and
    chromatographic analysis of polymer-ligand recognition. In recent years, my
    research focus has shifted towards structure-function relationships of
    bioactive peptides, involving their discovery, purification from biological
    materials, sequencing (MS/NGS), solid-phase peptide synthesis, and
    interpretation of NMR data as a way of understanding peptide
    three-dimensional structure and its relationship to biological activity. My
    two major projects within the field include the discovery, characterization
    and structure-activity relationships of bioactive peptides in nemerteans
    (marine worms), and characterization of the effects of genetic variation in
    avian beta-defensins. For many years I held a position as a university
    lecturer at the Linnaeus University in Kalmar. My present research is carried
    out mainly within the pharmacognosy group, Department of Pharmaceutical
    Biosciences, Uppsala University.


  • I am the course coordinator and examiner for The Healthy Human 1, 24 credits
    [Den friska människan 1], spanning most of the first term of the medical
    programme, as likewise for Basvetenskap 2, 18 credits in the 6-year medical
    programme. I am also GUA (director of undergraduate studies) at MBB.


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