Folke Hammarqvist

Affiliated to Teaching/Tutoring
Visiting address: Hälsovägen, Enheten för kirurgi C1:77, 14186 Stockholm
Postal address: H9 Klinisk vetenskap, intervention och teknik, H9 CLINTEC Kirurgi och onkologi, 141 52 Huddinge

About me

  • Specialist in surgery since 1994, associate professor in surgery 1996, lector
    and since 2009 adj professor in emergency surgery. Has been working at the
    Karolinska University Hospital since 1999. Is responsible for emergency
    surgery and since one year also for a process regarding the development of
    routines in emergency operations.
    *Teaching interest*
    Is teaching in the fields of metabolism, nutrition, emergency surgery and
    traumatology. Responsible for SK-course in emergency surgery since 2001, and
    for the KN-course (Clinical Nutrition) since 2002. Is ATLS-instructor and
    responsible for the ATLS course at Huddinge. Earlier developed a course in
    safe surgery.


  • *Research interest*
    Research in the fields of metabolism, nutrition, emergency surgery and
    traumatology. Is a member of a net-work together with CLINTEC-colleagues from
    the clinics of nephrology, gynecology and obstetrics, anaesthesia and
    intensive care and from CMM (Center for Molecular Medicine). The research has
    a focus on nutrition and metabolism during catabolic conditions such as
    surgical emergencies with or without inflammation. In the field of surgery
    common conditions such as surgery and complications of gallstone disease,
    pancreatitis, appendicitis and ileus.


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