Florian Rosenberger
E-mail: florian.rosenberger@ki.se
Visiting address: Solnavägen 9, 9D, 17177 Stockholm
Postal address: C2 Medicinsk biokemi och biofysik, C2 Molekylär metabolism, 171 77 Stockholm
- I am interested in protein modifications, specifically methylation and
phosphorylation, and their impact on mitochondrial function. My expertise
lies in combining genetic models, wet lab experiments and bioinformatic tools
to pinpoint events that cause human disease.
- Article: HUMAN MUTATION. 2021;42(4):378-384
- Article: NEUROLOGY: GENETICS. 2021;7(2):e566
- Article: SCIENCE ADVANCES. 2021;7(8):eabf0717
- Article: NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH (NAR). 2021;49(1):354-370
- Article: METHODS IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY. 2021;2192:75-87
- Article: FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY. 2021;12:652590
- Article: MOLECULAR & CELLULAR PROTEOMICS. 2021;20:100065
- Article: EMBO MOLECULAR MEDICINE. 2020;12(7):e11659
- Article: NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH (NAR). 2019;47(17):9386-9399
- Article: PLOS GENETICS. 2019;15(7):e1008240
- Article: EMBO REPORTS. 2019;20(6):embr201948101
- Article: STEM CELL REPORTS. 2019;12(4):696-711
- Article: HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS. 2017;26(13):2515-2525
All other publications
- Thesis / dissertation: 2021
Degrees and Education
- Degree Of Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Karolinska Institutet, 2021
- Degree Of Master Of Medical Science 120 Credits, Karolinska Institutet, 2015