Evelina Thunell
Research Specialist
E-mail: evelina.thunell@ki.se
Telephone: +46852482418
Visiting address: Nobels väg 9, 17165 Stockholm
Postal address: K8 Klinisk neurovetenskap, K8 Psykologi Lundström, 171 77 Stockholm
About me
My research at Karolinska Institutet focuses on human olfactory and visual perception and cognition, using behavioural, physiological, and brain imaging methods. I also teach at the Psychology program and for freestanding courses, as well as supervise student projects.
Selected publications
- Article: PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY. 2024;61(10):e14609
- Article: PLOS ONE. 2024;19(7):e0306290
- Article: HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING. 2023;44(18):6459-6470
- Article: FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY. 2023;14:1165911
- Article: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NEURORADIOLOGY. 2022;43(12):1777-1783
- Article: ATTENTION PERCEPTION & PSYCHOPHYSICS. 2022;84(3):700-714
- Review: PSYCHONOMIC BULLETIN & REVIEW. 2021;28(3):788-794
- Article: PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE. 2019;30(7):989-1000
- Article: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2019;9(1):6872
- Article: COLLABRA-PSYCHOLOGY. 2019;5(1)
- Article: SCIENTIFIC DATA. 2025;12(1):325
- Article: PLOS ONE. 2024;19(4):e0301268
- Article: CHEMICAL SENSES. 2024;49:bjae035
- Article: CONSCIOUSNESS AND COGNITION. 2023;108:103464
- Article: EVOLUTION MEDICINE AND PUBLIC HEALTH. 2023;11(1):386-396
- Journal article: META-PSYCHOLOGY. 2020;4
- Article: CONSCIOUSNESS AND COGNITION. 2019;73:102754
- Article: VISION RESEARCH. 2016;126:9-18
- Article: BRAIN TOPOGRAPHY. 2016;29(2):273-282
- Article: JOURNAL OF VISION. 2016;16(3):26
- Article: NEUROIMAGE. 2014;101:547-554
All other publications
- Corrigendum: PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE. 2019;30(7):1106
- Repetition detection as an endophenotype for schizophrenia; evaluation using schizotypy.Karolinska hospital1 January 2020 - 31 December 2020
- Repetition detection as an endophenotype for schizophreniaKarolinska hospital1 December 2019 - 31 December 2019
- Research Specialist, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, 2022-
- Researcher, Stress Research Institute, Stockholm University, 2021-2021
- Postdoctoral Researcher, Brain Mind Institute, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 2014-2015
Degrees and Education
- Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (GHPD) Distance course (5 weeks), Unit for Teaching and Learning, Karolinska Institutet, 2023
- PhD, Neuroscience, Neural correlates of non-retinotopic visual processing and light adaptation, Brain Mind Institute, Life Sciences, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 2014
- MSc, Engineering physics, Single-trial classification of EEG data, Department of physics, Royal Institute of Technology, 2009
Distinction and awards
- Polak Young Investigator Award, International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste (ISOT), 2020
- Stipend for outstanding academic results, Royal Institute of Technology, 2009
- Sofie Henecke, 2022
- Hannaneh Yazdi, 2020
Committee work
- Vice chair, Committee for Equal Opportunities, KTH Physics department, 2004-2005
Visiting research fellowships
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, invited position, Purdue University West Lafayette, Invited position, 2018
Journal reviewing
- Scientific Reports, Springer Nature, Anonymous peer review, 2023-2024
- Cognition, Elsevier, Anonymous peer review, 2021-2021
- Journal of Vision, Anonymous peer review, 2021
- PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE, Anonymous peer review, 2021-2021
- Meta-Psychology, Anonymous peer review, 2020-2020
- CONSCIOUSNESS AND COGNITION, Anonymous peer review, 2019
- PLOS ONE, Anonymous peer review, 2016-2016
Other expert reviewer/evaluation assignment
- Reviewer or advisor for other scientific bodies, Abstract reviewer, European Conference on Visual Perception, 2021-2021
- Reviewer or advisor for other scientific bodies, Reviewer: High-school science project competition "Utställningen Unga Forskare", Förbundet Unga Forskare, 2020-2021
- Reviewer or advisor for other scientific bodies, Committee member of the Internal ethics committee., École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 2011-2012
Conference/event participation
- Oral presenter of own accepted abstract, International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste, https://www.achems.org/ISOT/awards.php, 2020
- Oral presenter of own accepted abstract, European Conference on Visual Perception, 2018
News from KI
Events from KI
News from external media