Enoch Yi-Tung Chen
Phd Student
E-mail: enoch.yitung.chen@ki.se
Visiting address: , Solna
Postal address: C8 Medicinsk epidemiologi och biostatistik, C8 MEB Dickman, 171 77 Stockholm
About me
- I am a PhD student at the Biostatistics Group at the Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet. My main research interests are developing and applying statistical approaches for register-based epidemiological studies, particularly in survival analysis and cost-effectiveness studies in health technology assessment. Details of my teaching and researches can be found on my personal website: https://enochytchen.com
PhD project title: Extrapolating survival with applications to health technology assessment
Supervisors: Paul Dickman, Mark Clements, Magnus Björkholm, Torsten Dahlén, and Shuang Hao.
My MSc thesis was awarded the Best Student Project of 2020 by the Swedish Society for Medical Statistics (Föreningen för Medicinsk Statistik).
Enoch Yi-Tung Chen. Extrapolating cancer patient survival: a comparison of the flexible parametric model and the rolling-over algorithm. Karolinska Institutet. MSc thesis. 2020.
- 2021-current, PhD in Medical Science (Biostatistics), Karolinska
- 2020, MSc in Public Health Sciences, Epidemiology, Karolinska Institutet
- 2018, BSc in Public Health, National Taiwan University
- I have been involved in teaching of
- Data management and reproducible research (MSc in Public Health Sciences)
- Survival analysis (PhD course)
- Biostatistics workshops of Term 8 medical students' project (Examensarbete
i medicin HT20)
- Introduction to R (PhD course)
- Applied Epidemiology I (MSc in Public Health Sciences--Epidemiology)
- Journal article: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY. 2025;114(2):334-342
- Journal article: PHARMACOECONOMICS. 2024;:1-14
- Article: MEDICAL DECISION MAKING. 2024;44(3):269-282
- Article: RHEUMATOLOGY. 2023;62(3):1170-1178
- Journal article: VALUE IN HEALTH. 2022;25(12):s375-s376
- Journal article: VALUE IN HEALTH. 2022;25(7):s530
All other publications
- Conference publication: SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY. 2021;50:81-82