Daniel Vereb

Daniel Vereb

Postdoctoral Researcher
Visiting address: Nobels väg 9, D3, 17165 Solna
Postal address: K8 Klinisk neurovetenskap, K8 Neuro Pereira, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I am a postdoctoral researcher and a radiologist trainee working with Dr.
    Joana Pereira at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience at Karolinska
    Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. I obtained a PhD in Clinical Neuroscience at
    the University of Szeged in Hungary, where my work was focused on functional
    and structural connectivity alterations in primary headache disorders (mainly
    migraine) and multiple sclerosis. Currently, I am working with connectivity
    gradients to identify early alterations of connectivity organisation in
    people at risk of developing or living with neurodegenerative disorders.


All other publications

  • Corrigendum: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2023;13(1):16876
    Antal SI; Kincses B; Veréb D; Király A; Tóth E; Bozsik B; Faragó P; Szabó N; Kocsis K; Bencsik K; Klivényi P; Kincses ZT
  • Preprint: ARXIV. 2023;ARXIV
    Volpe G; Wählby C; Tian L; Hecht M; Yakimovich A; Monakhova K; Waller L; Sbalzarini IF; Metzler CA; Xie M; Zhang K; Lenton ICD; Rubinsztein-Dunlop H; Brunner D; Bai B; Ozcan A; Midtvedt D; Wang H; Sladoje N; Lindblad J; Smith JT; Ochoa M; Barroso M; Intes X; Qiu T; Yu L-Y; You S; Liu Y; Ziatdinov MA; Kalinin SV; Sheridan A; Manor U; Nehme E; Goldenberg O; Shechtman Y; Moberg HK; Langhammer C; Špačková B; Helgadottir S; Midtvedt B; Argun A; Thalheim T; Cichos F; Bo S; Hubatsch L; Pineda J; Manzo C; Bachimanchi H; Selander E; Homs-Corbera A; Fränzl M; de Haan K; Rivenson Y; Korczak Z; Adiels CB; Mijalkov M; Veréb D; Chang Y-W; Pereira JB; Matuszewski D; Kylberg G; Sintorn I-M; Caicedo JC; Cimini BA; Bell MAL; Saraiva BM; Jacquemet G; Henriques R; Ouyang W; Le T; Gómez-de-Mariscal E; Sage D; Muñoz-Barrutia A; Lindqvist EJ; Bergman J
  • Review: FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY. 2019;10:982
    Kincses ZT; Vereb D; Farago P; Toth E; Kocsis K; Kincses B; Kiraly A; Bozsik B; Pardutz A; Szok D; Tajti J; Vecsei L; Tuka B; Szabo N

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