Authia Gray

Authia Gray

Phd Student
Visiting address: Solnavägen 1 E, 11365 Solna
Postal address: K9 Global folkhälsa, K9 GPH Dalman Agardh, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Employed as a Researcher at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation [IHME] (2023-present) 

  • Master of Science in Health Metrics Sciences from University of Washington (2023)

    Post-Bachelor Fellow at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (2020-2023) 

  • Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering from Yale University (2020)


  • I am most interested in: (i) understanding diseases as risk factors for other diseases, (ii) cause of death &

  • disease coding practices, and (iii) research methodology with a focus on calculating risk and survival. All of these topics relate to how we can improve public health research with the goal of improving healthcare quality. I study these areas through my PhD with Emilie Agardh, Peter Allebeck, and Mohsen Naghavi as well as through my work at IHME. Additionally, I am interested in infectious diseases and immunology which shows through my work on the anti-microbial resistance project at IHME. 


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