Anna Borgström
About me
Writing instructor with a passion for teaching academic writing, in groups and individually. During the last ten years, I have specialized in teaching how to use sources effectively and avoid plagiarism and during the last two, how to use AI responsibly when writing -- and how to address the issue with your students.
Conference proceedings and presentations
Borgström A. Generative AI as a tool for academic writing. AI tools for finding scientific information. AI in practice: AI in our daily work at Karolinska Institutet. May 28, 2024. Stockholm, Sweden.
Borgström A, Liljegren L. AI tools for finding scientific information. AI in practice: AI in our daily work at Karolinska Institutet. May 28, 2024. Stockholm, Sweden.
Borgström A, Liljegren L. Generativ AI, potential och risker: workshoppar för studenter, doktorander och personal. Nätverkskonferens: Språk- och studieverkstäder i Norden. Dec. 8, 2023. Stockholm, Sweden.
Borgström A, Siméus J. Generative AI and Academic Writing: A KI Student Perspective. Bites of Learning. Dec. 11, 2023. Stockholm, Sweden [via zoom].
Borgström A. Supporting students’ use of AI tools: experiences from the first few months. KI:s lärardag 2023: Undervisning och lärande i en föränderlig värld. Sept 27, 2023. Stockholm, Sweden.
Borgström A, Liljegren L. ChatGPT, information literacy, and learning. Bites of Learning. April 11, 2023. Stockholm, Sweden [via zoom].
Borgström A. Teaching Students to Use Sources Effectively and Correctly (not to Avoid Plagiarism!). KI:s utbildningskongress 2022: Sept. 28-29
- 2022. Continuous learning - Person, Practitioner, Workplace. Stockholm, Sweden.
Borgström A. Teaching students to use sources effectively and avoid plagiarism. March 17, 2016. KI:s utbildningskongress 2016: Student Centred Learning in the Networked Learning Landscape. Stockholm, Sweden.
Borgström A, Moberg B. A late night at the university library – supporting students in the final phases of essay and thesis writing [poster]. March 17, 2016. KI:s utbildningskongress 2016: Student Centred Learning in the Networked Learning Landscape. Stockholm, Sweden.