Anna Birgersdotter

Anna Birgersdotter

Project Coordinator
Telephone: +46852484551
Visiting address: Widerströmska huset, Tomtebodavägen 18A, 17165 Solna
Postal address: C7 Lärande, Informatik, Management och Etik, C7 MMC Jansson, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Utbildning
    Experience and education

    Project Coordinater etc, UBE (Now), (See above for information on employment)

    Science Communicator, Tom Tits Experiment (2012 - 2017)

    During five years I worked as content manager, strategic communication, programme creator, project manager and facilitator of research communication events and smaller science exhibitions.

    Many small projectbased employments within research (2010-2011)

    Post doc at deparment of internal medicin, KS (2009)

    I was recruited to set up a 3D culture system

    PhD at MTC, KI (2008)

    My thesis was called "Transcriptome analysis of Hodgkin Lymphoma, insights into the microenvironment" The thesis contain the world's first article on lymphoma cells cultured in 3D matrix. It was defended at MTC in 2008.


  • My name is Anna Birgersdotter and I am working as a project coordinator at the unit for bioentrepreneurship (UBE).

    Since I was recruited to UBE in 2017, I have had several types of education projects on my plate. I have managed and facilitated capacity building in “Empowering women in health innovation”. I have developed new education concepts in the “co-up lab” and “empathy lab”, and I have developed new communication course offers to master students. As UBE works with innovation, my approach is that of entrepreneuring. For me it is the process to take a step back from what is usually seen as the output of entrepreneurship (a start-up) and look at the process as a tool for change making and proactive cocreation. Health care is going through huge changes, which means that we as teachers cannot teach the health care workforce of tomorrow with necessary knowledge. What we can train them in is to handle the unexpected via an entrepreneuring approach by training them in generic skills (also aka soft skills).

    My inofficial/unit based titles since I started here in 2017 include “head of bioentrepreneurial culture”, “facilitator”, and “project manager for EIT health projects. Several of the above mentioned projects have been developed via funding from EIT health. In 2020 I received the task by the KI president to create a citizen engagement practice for KI, thus the innofficial title head of public engagement is sometimes applied.

    My personal drive is to create spaces that works as bridges between different realities through meetings, conversation and reflection. Creating interfaces, meetings and enabling space is key. It can be an educational pop-up space that via educational occupation brings students out of academia to learn on site with local stakeholders via cocreation. It can be capacity building courses where participants can have mind shifts. I am also passionate about creating impact and value from research.

    I was recruited to LIME in the spring of 2017 to bring in competence on (science) communication and facilitation. Building on my experience from the market unit and the programme unit at Tom Tits Experiment I have set up 2 master courses and reconstructed one PhD course (all in communication).

    This is the 3rd time that I have been to this exact same spot. In 2008 I made my PhD in the lab that then at almost the exact spot. I have basically the same view from my office. And in 1979 I visited the spot because my dad was making his PhD in the same lab (but at that time different research group and field). Perhaps 3rd time is the charm?


  • At Karolinska Institutet

    Course director of 2 master's courses at the "Masters programme in bioentrepreneurship":
    Communication in Bioentrepreneurship 1.
    Communication in Bioentrepreneurship 2.
    Course director of the PhD course "Communicating Science in Various Contexts, Focusing on Visual and Oral presentation.
    Lecturer at several other courses and local events.
    Occasionaly facilitating processes in different projects at KI.
    KI responsible for the case competition "Skillbridge".
    EIT health project

    Developed and partly faciliated The Stockholm E-lab 2019-2020 (The Cocreation Pop-Up Lab).
    Developed and faciliteted the "Empowering Women in Health Innovation" 2017-2020. In this project I have also facilitated workshops in European partner instituions like IESE (Barcelona Business school), TUM (Tecnical university Munich) and National University Galway (Ireland).
    Partly developed and faciliated "The Stockholm E-lab" network 2017-2018.
    I am currently developing the novel education offer "Empathy lab" focusing on empathy and advocacy that will take place in the summer of 2021. Partners include the empathy museum in London.
    Developed and delivered modules "Communication and collaboration" and "How to engage; insiders view to value creation in the project "From scientist to innovator for industry" (SCI FI). 2021-2022

    Developed and delivered a course in Storytelling in 2018 (The Power of Storytelling)
    Developed and delivered "Entrepreneurial storytelling" in 2021 2022
    Co-developed and co-delivered "Impactful engagement" with Samer Yammine, 2023


All other publications


  • Project Coordinator, Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics, Karolinska Institutet, 2019-

Degrees and Education

  • Degree Of Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology, Karolinska Institutet, 2008

News from KI

Events from KI