Anette Lohmander

Anette Lohmander

Professor Emeritus/Emerita
Telephone: +46852488901
Visiting address: Blickagången 9 A, Enheten för logopedi F67, 14186 Stockholm
Postal address: H9 Klinisk vetenskap, intervention och teknik, H9 CLINTEC Logopedi, 141 52 Huddinge

About me

  • Qualifications: Speech and Language Pathology Degree 1982, BA (Linguistics and Philosophy), 1983, PhD 1996, Docent in Speech and Language Pathology at Gothenburg University (GU), 2003.
    Academic position: Professor emeritus/emerita
    Publications: 113 peer reviewed articles in international journals (1985-2024). Total citations 2405 (without self-citations) of which the most cited publication accounts for 149 citations. H-index: 33 (Web of Science, Jan 2025).

    Edited, authored and co-authored book, book chapters, test for assessment of speech.
    In collaboration developed an interactive Swedish website PUMA (Praktisk Utbildning med MultimediaAnvändning) for undergraduate students and clinicians in speech-language pathology. And one English - CLISPI (CLeft palate International SPeech Issues), originally part of the Eurocran project, supportive in development of best practice for cleft palate clinical work and research.


  • Speech Development and Precursors for Speech Disorders in Individuals with Cleft Palate and other adverse conditions, Implications for Intervention, and Evaluation of Treatment

    -Speech development and speech and language disorders in individuals born with cleft palate, and the impact of surgical procedure & timing, and ear and hearing problems.
    -Early identification of individuals at risk for speech disorders related to cleft palate, hearing impairment or other adverse conditions.
    -Assessment methods: screening, documentation and analysis (perceptual, acoustic and physiological) including cross-linguistics aspects.
    -Treatment strategies for speech disorders

    - Speech Outcome in Cleft Palate (The Scandcleft Trials, Eurocran, Timing of Primary Surgery in infants with Cleft Palate (TOPS), Early development of Speech and Hearing)
    - Early Development and Disorders in Speech/Language – EDDiS
    - Evaluation of speech pathology intervention for children and adolescents with persistent speech disorder.


  • Director for the Speech and Language Pathology Programme at Gothenburg University 2000–2008 and at Karolinska Institutet 2009. Member of the Board of Education 2012–2017, Director of Undergraduate Education at Department CLINTEC, 2017-2019.

    Teaching primarily concerned Speech-Language Pathology Programme (240 credits) and the areas velopharyngeal function and dysfunction, speech disorders related to cleft palate, and early development of speech-language in children with adverse conditions.

    Supervised 55 degree project in speech and language pathology, 30 credits, 6 master projects, 15 doctoral students, and 3 postdoc. Currently supervise 2 doctoral students.


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