Alexander Kvist
About me
I am a PhD student in the Franzén group with a background in medical engineering, now primarily focused on researching gait and balance in neurodegenerative populations, from behavior to neurophysiology. I also work as a lab manager for the uMOVE core facility.
My thesis is focused on complex walking in Parkinson's disease. Here, I look at walking while performing concurrent cognitive tasks, as well as navigated walking or steering of gait, reflecting the more complex walking conditions encountered in everyday life. More specifically, the project tries to better understand motor behavior, cognitive-motor interference and neural correlates of these, in order to support evaluating and targeting interventions for these abilities.
In general, I am interested/active in:
- Motor control
- fNIRS methodology
- IMU sensors
- Machine learning
I am involved in running practical lab demonstrations for movement analysis education using inertial-based movement sensors in a laboratory environment as well as functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) measurements. I have also held a number of lectures and seminars on neuroimaging during movement as well as fNIRS methodology in general.
- Article: JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS. 2024;162:111907
- Article: NEUROIMAGE-CLINICAL. 2024;43:103637
- Article: BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR. 2023;13(4):e2948
All other publications
- Review: NEUROIMAGE-CLINICAL. 2025;45:103733
- Poster: 2024Feasibility of functional near-infrared spectroscopy to measure cortical brain activity during complex walking tasks