Avhandlingar vid enheten för anestesi och intensivvård


2020 Gabriel Dumitrescu
Coagulation in liver failure. The role of thromboelastometry and fibrinogen

2020 Martin Sundström Rehal
Energy expenditure and substrate utilization during critical illness

2020 Marie Smedberg
Glutamine kinetics in critically ill patients

2020 Julia Jakobsson
The new old normal: reassessing perioperative oxygen consumption and haemodynamics in the elderly

2019 Felix Liebau
Anabolic response to amino acid supplementation in critical illness

2019 Annika Sandelin
Teamarbete och informationsöverföring inom perioperativ vård : operationssjuksköterskans perspektiv

2019 Jonathan Grip
On bioenergetic failure in septic shock : lactate kinetics and mitochondrial respiration.

2018 Christina Blix
Perioperative glucose control

2017 Helene Conte
Interprofessional collaboration in the ICU : facilitating progress in teams of learners

2016 Mikael Lund
Cardiopulmonary adaption to one-lung ventilation and neoadjuvant therapy during treatment of esophageal cancer

2013 Johan Creutzfeldt
Avatar : saving lives in virtual worlds

2013 Lisbet Meurling
Teamwork training using patient simulation

2012 Lars Hållström
Critical evaluation of nitric oxide as an immuno-modulator in humans

2011 Erzsébert Bartha
Costs and consequences in perioperative care: Analytic models in studies on pain treatment and on haemodynamic optimization of elderly patients

2011 Johan Fenhammar
Renal failure in experimental sepsis: role of Endothelin and the Toll-like receptor 4

2011 Andreas Andersson
Factors influencing splanchnic microcirculation in animal models of endotoxaemia
