Dissertations Surgical Care Science

During the period 2006-2022, 11 doctoral students have defended their doctoral theses within the group Surgical Care Science. These persons are: Lena Martin, Martin Rutegård, Therese Djärv, Maryam Derogar, Maartje van der Schaaf, Lovisa Backemar, Ylva Hellstadius, Poorna Anandavadivelan, Yangjun Liu, Cecilia Ringborg and Zhao Cheng.

PhD student and opponent at the dissertation
Zhao Cheng and Opponent Anne May

Zhao Cheng        


Opponent: Professor Anne May, Utrecht University

Outcomes of surgery for oesophageal cancer with focus on fatigue

PhD student and opponent at the dissertation
Cecilia Ringborg and opponent Anna Forsberg

Cecilia Ringborg 


Opponent: Professor Anna Forsberg, Lund University

The perspective of being a family caregiver of a patient treated for oesophageal cancer : problems and needs

Yangjun Liu and Opponent
Yangjun Liu and Opponent Lonneke van de Poll

Yangjun Liu


Opponent: Professor Lonneke van de Poll, Netherlands Cancer Institute

Optimism and survivorship after esophageal cancer surgery

Poorna Anandavadivelan och opponent Tommy Cederholm
Opponent Tommy Cederholm and Poorna Anandavadivelan

Poorna Anandavadivelan


Opponent: Tommy Cederholm, Uppsala Universitet, Uppsala

Oesophageal cancer surgery – Nutritional determinants of survivorship

Ylva Hellstadius and Professor Mary Wells

Ylva Hellstadius


Opponent: Professor Mary Wells, University of Stirling, England

Psychological distress following oesophageal cancer treatment: is there a need for psychological support?

Lovisa Backemar and Opponent Jan Johansson

Lovisa Backemar


Opponent: Docent Jan Johansson, Lunds Universitet

Oesophageal cancer surgery: the role of co-morbidities

Maartje van der Schaaf and Professor Michael Griffin

Maartje van der Schaaf


Opponent: Professor Michael Griffin, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Oesophageal Cancer: Surgery, Symptoms and Survival

Derek Alderson and Maryam Derogar

Maryam Derogar


Opponent: Professor Derek Alderson, University of Birmingham, UK

Oesophageal cancer surgery : predictors of health-related quality of life and survival

Therese Djärv and Bruno Walther

Therese Djärv


Opponent: Professor Bruno Walther, Lunds universitet

Health-related quality of life after oesophageal cancer surgery for prediction of morbidity and mortality

Martin Rutegård and Professor Bengt Glimelius

Martin Rutegård


Opponent: Professor Bengt Glimelius, Uppsala universitet

Oesophageal cancer: On surgery and aetiology

Lena Martin and Professor Olle Ljungkvist

Lena Martin


Opponent: Professor Olle Ljungkvist, Karolinska Institutet

Risk factors for malnutrition after oesophageal cancer
