Postdoc Fellowships 2023 - Project 4

Short title: Insulin nanotechnology


Principal Investigator

Profile image

Ana Teixeira

Principal Researcher

Research Project

Development of DNA nanotechnology-based methods to map and target membrane protein nanodomains in vitro and in vivo

At the Teixeira lab (, we have developed DNA nanotechnology-based  approaches to map and target membrane protein nanodomains (e.g. Ambrosetti et al, Nat Nanotechnology, 2021; Fang et al, ACS Nano, 2021; Verheyen, Fang et al, Nucleic Acids Research, 2020; Shaw, Lundin, et al, Nat Methods 2014). In this project, the postdoctoral research fellow will investigate the nanoscale spatial organization of insulin receptors in different tissues. This information will be used to develop multivalent insulin variants using DNA- and protein-based self-assembly. The biodistribution and tissue specific effects of different multivalent insulin variants will be mapped in wild type and diabetes models in zebrafish and mice. This work aims to form the basis for the future development of insulin variants with tailored tissue targeting patterns.

Project description

Read the complete project description.

Lab webpage

How to apply

Link to job posting at VARBI application portal

The closing date for applications is midnight CEST on Sunday 22nd October, 2023.

Content reviewer:
Stefan Nobel