Our Main Projects
Molecular regulation mechanisms of cancer metabolism.
While signaling downstream of ongogenes and tumor suppressors are central regulators of metabolism, several new players are emerging. We aim to identify novel regulation mechanisms as for how the metabolic phenotype is shaped.
Regulation and maintenance of metabolic heterogeneity
The metabolic program of tumors are known display a large heterogeneity both within and across distinct tumor types. We try to understand how this heterogeneity occurs and is maintained.
Pharmacological Approaches to Target Metabolic Circuits.
We perform small-molecule screenings to target metabolic regulation nodes identified in #1 and #2 with the ultimate goal to identify novel drug targets.
To study these questions we employ a translational approach starting from primary patient material paralleled by studies to elucidate the molecular mechanisms in cancer cells, normal cells and cancer mouse models, with the ultimate goal of identifying novel drug targets and prognostic markers.
News Erik Norberg lab
6-årig tjänst från Cancerfonden
I vårens utdelning beviljar Cancerfonden anslag till 28 nya forskartjänster som finansieras i upp till sex år. Forskare vid Karolinska Institutet tar hem fjorton av tjänsterna.
Anslag från Svenska Sällskapet för Medicinsk Forskning (SSMF)
Totalt trettiosex postdoktorer och sex forskare vid sju svenska universitet belönas när Svenska Sällskapet för Medicinsk Forskning, SSMF, delar ut stipendier för postdoktorer och tjänster för forskare 2015. SSMF stödjer unga forskare med 95 miljoner kronor per år.