Cognition / Behaviour / Psychology

Scientists in this area study complex mechanisms underlying cognition and behaviour. By using a combination of methods in animal models, including molecular genetics, optogenetics, physiological and behavioural analyses, neural circuits that serve distinct functions in behaviour can be elucidated.

How to create the illusion of being invisible. Image: Henrik Ehrsson laboratory.

In humans, the dramatic progress of brain imaging and neuropsychology has allowed a detailed exploration of the neural correlates of cognition and behaviour.

Problems including how humans perceive, think and act, are thus within reach for experimental analysis, and the emerging knowledge is being transferred to the clinic to improve treatments of stress and disease.

Group leaders and research areas

John Axelsson, Sleep, cognition and health

Tom Brismar, Clinical neurophysiology

Christian Broberger, Brain networks controlling homeostatic processes

Marie Carlén, Brain networks and psychiatric disorders

Aila Collins, Psychology, women's health

Henrik Ehrsson, Brain, body and self

Malin Ernberg, Perception and modulation of pain

André Fisahn, Neuronal oscillations

Gilberto Fisone, Molecular neuropharmacology

Peter Fransson, Large-scale connectivity in the human brain

Sten Grillner, The cellular bases of motor behaviour

Petter Gustavsson, Differential psychology and health

Tibor Harkany, Neurodevelopment, endocannabinoid signaling

Rochellys Diaz Heijtz, Developmental cognitive neuroscience

Anna-Lena Hulting, Experimental and clinical neuroendocrinology

Tomas Hökfelt, Chemical neurotransmission

Martin Ingvar, Cognitive neurophysiology

Viktor Kaldo, sleep and cognition

Torkel Klingberg, Developmental cognitive neuroscience

Eva Kosek, Mechanisms of pain and treatment

Mats Lekander, Psychoneuroimmunology

Maria Lindskog, Synaptic transmission and mood disorders

Anette Lohmander, Speech and language pathology

Björn Meister, Brain control of food intake and body weight

Konstantinos Meletis, Optogenetic studies of limbic circuits

Bo Melin, Cognitive and emotional abilities in relation to health

Andreas Olsson, Emotion and attention

Mats Olsson, Human olfaction

Christoffer Rahm, Prevetion of child sexual abuse

Ivanka Savic Berglund, Behavioral neurology

Christina Samuelsson, Speech and language pathology

Gilad Silberberg,  Cortico-striatal microcircuitry

Sharon Stone-Elander, Cognitive neurophysiology - medical radiochemistry

Per Svenningsson, Neuropharmacology - movement disorders

Lisa Thorell, Cognitive processes and ADHD

Mats Trulsson, Sensory-motor control of mastication

Fredrik Ullén, Neural mechanisms of expertise

Rikard Wicksell, Clinical health psychology

Torbjörn Åkerstedt, Psychology, stress and recovery

Sven Ove Ögren, Cognitive mechanisms underlying complex behaviour
