Wilhelm Leijonmarck
Phd Student
E-mail: wilhelm.leijonmarck@ki.se
Visiting address: Retzius väg 13 a, Våning 4, 17177 Stockholm
Postal address: K1 Molekylär medicin och kirurgi, K1 MMK Övre GI-kirurgi, 171 77 Stockholm
- Article: GASTRIC CANCER. 2025;28(1):96-101
- Article: GASTRIC CANCER. 2024;27(6):1180-1188
- Article: GASTRIC CANCER. 2024;27(3):590-597
- Article: BJS OPEN. 2024;8(2):zrae015
- Article: EJSO. 2023;49(1):83-88
- Article: GASTRIC CANCER. 2022;25(3):652-658
- Article: ACTA ONCOLOGICA. 2021;60(4):513-520
All other publications
- Phd Student, Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Karolinska Institutet, 2023-2025
- Phd Student, Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Karolinska Institutet, 2022-2025
Degrees and Education
- Degree Of Master Of Science In Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, 2016