Ulrika Warpman Berglund
Affiliated to Research
E-mail: ulrika.berglund@ki.se
Visiting address: Scilifelab, Alpha Building Level 4, Tomtebodavägen 23a, 17165 Solna
Postal address: K7 Onkologi-Patologi, K7 Forskning Helleday, 171 77 Stockholm
About me
- I received my PhD from Uppsala University in 1997 and was headhunted to
Pharmacia and very soon became head of the Endocrine Research Group. During
1997-2011 I was working in pharmaceutical companies both in Sweden
(Pharmacia, Biovitrum) and UK (Prosidion Ltd), were I did translational
research, developed clinical candidates, and obtained position as Director in
Pharmacology and member of research steering groups. I joined Helleday lab in
2012 and has since then assisted Prof. Helleday in establishing the
translational team that exists today. As responsible for the MTH1 project, I
have, together with the team, successfully developed Karonudib that is
presently investigated in clinical trials. I am a member of Dept.
Oncology-Pathology steering group and deputy group leader in the Helleday
- Our lab is continuously working towards developing novel targeted therapies
out of basic science findings. The multidisciplinary translational research
group is focusing on understanding basic DNA repair and DNA-damage signaling
pathways as well as nucleotide metabolism and developing novel drugs for
anti-cancer treatments, and for treating inflammation/autoimmunity and virus
The research aims are to i) purifying and targeting proteins in *DNA repair
and metabolism*, ii) use probes and genetic tools to increase basic knowledge
around target proteins and iii) translating basic research findings into *new
treatments *tested in clinic.
One example how we taken an idea from bench to bedside:
Many DNA damaging anti-cancer drugs cause replication-associated DNA damage
that kill cancer cells. This is an effective way of treating cancer, but the
problem is that also normal cells are damaged. Our strategy is to exploit the
high level of DNA damage and dysfunctional redox status in cancer cells and
prevent the repair of these lesions and even cause more oxidative lesions in
the cancer cells. Using DNA repair inhibitors, we can selectively introduce
toxic DNA damage to cancer cells. We demonstrated how targeting MTH1 can be
used to target cancer in general without causing toxicity to non-transformed
cells(Gad et al, Nature 2014; Huber et al., Nature 2014) and we have
developed the MTH1 inhibitor (MTH1i) karonudib (*/Karo/*linska */NUD/*T1
inh*/ib/*itor) (Warpman Berglund et al., Ann Oncol 2016) and progressed it
through GMP manufacturing, formulation, GLP safety assessment, IMPD, Medical
Product Agency and ethical approvals. Presently two clinical Phase 1 trials
(one in patients with advanced solid malignancies and one in haematological
cancers) with karonudib are on-going at Karolinska University Hospital.
Pharmacology and biology are often more complex than originally thought, and
we continue to deepen our understanding of the mechanism of action of our
MTH1i and the role of MTH1 in cancer pathology.
- Article: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 2025;16(1):1741
- Journal article: BLOOD. 2024;144:6010
- Article: MOLECULAR ONCOLOGY. 2024;18(9):2179-2195
- Article: ONCOGENESIS. 2024;13(1):17
- Journal article: CHEMMEDCHEM. 2023;18(1)
- Article: CHEMMEDCHEM. 2023;18(1):e202200310
- Article: BIOMOLECULES. 2022;12(12):1777
- Article: SCIENCE. 2022;376(6600):1471-1476
- Article: MOLECULAR CANCER THERAPEUTICS. 2022;21(5):703-714
- Article: NATURE CANCER. 2022;3(2):156-172
- Article: CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION. 2022;29(1):246-261
- Article: CELL CHEMICAL BIOLOGY. 2021;28(12):1693-1702.e6
- Article: CANCER RESEARCH. 2021;81(22):5733-5744
- Article: BMC BIOLOGY. 2021;19(1):156
- Article: CANCER RESEARCH. 2021;81(15):4079-4093
- Article: JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY. 2021;141(8):2037-2048.e4
- Article: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2021;11(1):6317
- Article: JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. 2021;296:100568
- Article: VIRUSES-BASEL. 2020;13(1):E37-37
- Article: VIRUSES-BASEL. 2020;12(12):E1423-1423
- Article: NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH. 2020;48(21):12234-12251
- Article: NATURE CHEMICAL BIOLOGY. 2020;16(10):1120-1128
- Article: CANCER RESEARCH. 2020;80(17):3530-3541
- Article: CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION. 2020;27(7):2081-2098
- Article: JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. 2020;295(15):4761-4772
- Article: EMBO MOLECULAR MEDICINE. 2020;12(3):e10419
- Article: EBIOMEDICINE. 2020;53:102704
- Article: FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY. 2020;8:443
- Article: ACS OMEGA. 2019;4(7):11642-11656
- Article: BRITISH JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY. 2019;176(3):436-450
- Article: THERAPEUTIC ADVANCES IN MEDICAL ONCOLOGY. 2019;11:1758835919866960
- Article: SCIENCE. 2018;362(6416):834-839
- Article: NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH. 2018;46(20):10888-10904
- Article: HUMAN MUTATION. 2018;39(9):1214-1225
- Article: CELL DEATH & DISEASE. 2018;9(8):810
- Article: BIOCHEMISTRY. 2018;57(5):593-603
- Article: ONCOTARGET. 2017;8(49):84671-84684
- Article: JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY. 2017;60(19):8160-8169
- Article: BIOMOLECULES. 2017;7(3):E49-49
- Article: NATURE CHEMICAL BIOLOGY. 2017;13(6):681-690
- Article: JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY. 2017;60(10):4279-4292
- Article: JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY. 2017;60(5):2148-2154
- Article: NATURE MEDICINE. 2017;23(2):256-263
- Article: ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY. 2016;27(12):2275-2283
- Article: CANCER RESEARCH. 2016;76(8):2366-2375
- Article: JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY. 2016;59(3):1140-1148
- Article: CELL REPORTS. 2016;14(2):298-309
- Article: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 2015;6:7871
- Article: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBESITY. 2014;38(10):1365-1373
- Journal article: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER. 2014;50:s203
- Article: NATURE. 2014;508(7495):222-227
- Article: NATURE. 2014;508(7495):215-221
- Article: JOURNAL OF NEUROCHEMISTRY. 1999;72(3):1161-1169
- Article: BRAIN RESEARCH. 1998;801(1-2):143-149
- Article: JOURNAL OF NEUROCHEMISTRY. 1998;70(5):2028-2037
- Article: NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS. 1997;232(1):37-40
- Article: NEUROREPORT. 1995;6(17):2419-2423
- Show more
All other publications
- Conference publication: 2023;:pa1247
- Preprint: PREPRINTS.ORG. 2022
- Editorial comment: JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY. 2022;142(3 PT A):736-740.e6
- Conference publication: 2021;:9227
- Meeting abstract: BLOOD. 2020;136:18-19
- Corrigendum: ONCOTARGET. 2020;11(8):827
- Corrigendum: CELL DEATH & DISEASE. 2020;11(2):99
- Corrigendum: JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY. 2017;60(17):7614
- Meeting abstract: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER. 2014;50:s87