Stefano Gastaldello

Stefano Gastaldello

Senior Research Specialist | Docent
Visiting address: Solnavägen 9, Biomedicum C5, 17165 Solna
Postal address: C3 Fysiologi och farmakologi, C3 FyFa Medicinsk hjärt- och skelettmuskelforskning, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • *Current Position:*
    Associate Professor, Docent in Physiology.
    *Academic formation:*
    2006 PhD in Biology and Molecular Cell Pathology. University of Padua, Italy.
    2002 Molecular Biology degree at the University of Padua (110/110 cum laude).
    *Postdoctoral courses:*
    2017 Course for Leadership and research group leader.
    2013* *Pedagogy course for doctoral supervisors.
    2012 Basic Course in Education for University Teachers.
    2011 Introductory Doctoral Supervision Course.
    Visiting professor at Binzhou Medical University, Yantai, China.
    Italian National Scientific Certificate (ASN) in Molecular Biology 05/E2 and
    Physiology 05/D1.
    VR Young Investigator Grant 2014-2017.
    2006 PhD in Biology and Molecular Cellular Pathology. University of Padua,
    Italy. Thesis title “Reconstitution of sarcoglycan complex in HEK-293
    cells. Study three alpha-sarcoglycan mutations observed in LGMD-2D”.
    2002 Molecular and Cellular Biology Master degree at the University of Padua
    (110/110 cum laude).
    1990 High school "I.T.I.S. G. Natta”, Padova. Qualified chemist technician
    with specialization in biochemistry and biology with full marks (60/60).


  • SUMOylation is an important drug targetable posttranslational modification
    that regulates protein functions and contributes to several intracellular
    process including transcription, DNA repair, chromatin remodeling, signal
    transduction, etc. Particularly, various stress conditions are known to
    promote global changes in the SUMOylation network, both in cell cultures and
    at the organs level. Moreover, defect on the SUMOylation machinery have been
    associated with severe diseases such as neurodegeneration, muscle atrophy,
    cancer and heart failure.
    My research interest is focused to study:
    • The SUMO network in the skeletal muscle pathophysiology: from
    bench-to-bedside and beyond.
    • Alteration of the SUMO and Ubiquitin proteasome system networks in
    Rhabdomyosarcoma cells – a new approach to study the proliferative and
    metastatic properties of this tumor. In collaboration with Prof. Alessandro
    Fanzani, Brescia University, Italy.
    • The role of SUMO posttranslational modification during myogenesis in
    normal and in pathological conditions.
    • Skeletal muscle pathophysiology during aging and muscle inflammation like
    The results will shed light on basic questions in the muscle field that will
    lead to better treatment of muscle diseases and greater insights into
    regenerative medicine.
    *Hyperactive Akt1 Signaling Increases Tumor Progression and DNA Repair in
    Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma RD Line and Confers Susceptibility to Glycolysis
    and Mevalonate Pathway Inhibitors [1]*
    *Authors* Codenotti, S; Zizioli, D; Mignani, L; Rezzola, S; Tabellini, G;
    Parolini, S; Giacomini, A; Asperti, M; Poli, M; Mandracchia, D; Vezzoli, M;
    Bernardi, S; Russo, D; Mitola, S; Monti, E; Triggiani, L; Tomasini, D;
    Gastaldello, S; Cassandri, M; Rota, R; Marampon, F; Fanzani, A. *Source*
    *Citrullination is linked to reduced Ca2+ sensitivity in hearts of a murine
    model of rheumatoid arthritis [3]*
    *Authors* Pironti, G; Gastaldello, S; Rassier, DE; Lanner, JT; Carlström, M;
    Lund, LH; Westerblad, H; Yamada, T; Andersson, DC. *Source* Acta physiologica
    (Oxford, England)
    *2021 *
    *Caveolin-1 promotes radioresistance in rhabdomyosarcoma through increased
    oxidative stress protection and DNA repair [5]*
    *Authors* Codenotti, S; Marampon, F; Triggiani, L; Bonù, ML; Magrini, SM;
    Ceccaroli, P; Guescini, M; Gastaldello, S; Tombolini, V; Poliani, PL;
    Asperti, M; Poli, M; Monti, E; Fanzani, A. *Source* Cancer
    letters* *
    *Rare genetic variability in human drug target genes modulates drug response
    and can guide precision medicine [7]*
    *Authors* Zhou, Y; Arribas, GH; Turku, A; Jürgenson, T; Mkrtchian, S; Krebs,
    K; Wang, Y; Svobodova, B; Milani, L; Schulte, G; Korabecny, J; Gastaldello,
    S; Lauschke, VM
    *Source* Science advances
    *Changes in basement membrane components in an experimental model of skeletal
    muscle degeneration and regeneration induced by snake venom and myotoxic
    phospholipase A2 [9]*
    *Authors* Escalante, T; Saravia-Otten, P; Gastaldello, S; Hernández, R;
    Marín, A; García, G; García, L; Estrada, E; Rucavado, A; Gutiérrez, JM
    *Source* Toxicon : official journal of the International Society on
    *2020 *
    *Expression of SUMO enzymes is fiber type dependent in skeletal muscles and
    is dysregulated in muscle disuse [11]*
    *Authors* Namuduri, AV; Heras, G; Lauschke, VM; Vitadello, M; Traini, L;
    Cacciani, N; Gorza, L; Gastaldello, S
    *Source* FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American
    Societies for Experimental Biology* *
    *High glucose-induced oxidative stress accelerates myogenesis by altering
    SUMO reactions [13]*
    *Authors* Liu, X; Heras, G; Lauschke, VM; Mi, J; Tian, G; Gastaldello, S
    *Source* Experimental cell research
    *Vitamin C and E Treatment Blocks Changes in Kynurenine Metabolism Triggered
    by Three Weeks of Sprint Interval Training in Recreationally Active Elderly
    Humans [15]*
    *Authors* Wyckelsma, VL; Trepci, A; Schwieler, L; Venckunas, T; Brazaitis, M;
    Kamandulis, S; Paulauskas, H; Gapeyeva, H; Paasuke, M; Gastaldello, S;
    Imbeault, S; Westerblad, H; Erhardt, S; Andersson, DC
    *Vitamin C and E Treatment Blunts Sprint Interval Training-Induced Changes in
    Inflammatory Mediator-, Calcium-, and Mitochondria-Related Signaling in
    Recreationally Active Elderly Humans [17]*
    *Authors* Wyckelsma, VL; Venckunas, T; Brazaitis, M; Gastaldello, S;
    Snieckus, A; Eimantas, N; Baranauskiene, N; Subocius, A; Skurvydas, A;
    Pääsuke, M; Gapeyeva, H; Kaasik, P; Pääsuke, R; Jürimäe, J; Graf, BA;
    Kayser, B; Place, N; Andersson, DC; Kamandulis, S; Westerblad, H
    *Source* Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland)
    *2019 ** *
    *Muscle RING-finger protein-1 (MuRF1) functions and cellular localization are
    regulated by SUMO1 post-translational modification [19]*
    *Authors* Heras, G; Namuduri, AV; Traini, L; Shevchenko, G; Falk, A;
    Bergström Lind, S; Jia, M; Tian, G; Gastaldello, S
    *Source* Journal of molecular cell biology
    *2017 *
    *A Proteomic Approach to Identify Alterations in the Small Ubiquitin-like
    Modifier (SUMO) Network during Controlled Mechanical Ventilation in Rat
    Diaphragm Muscle [21]*
    *Authors* Namuduri, AV; Heras, G; Mi, J; Cacciani, N; Hörnaeus, K; Konzer,
    A; Lind, SB; Larsson, L; Gastaldello, S
    *Source* Molecular & cellular proteomics : MCP


  • September 2021 - now: course responsible for the Project work in
    translational physiology and pharmacology at the Master Program in
    Translational Physiology and Pharmacology.
    September 2021 - now: I collaborate in the Scientific work course at the
    Master program in Science Medicine.
    January 2019 - May 2020: course responsible for the Physiology 2 Course at
    the Physiotherapists program. Teaching: Kidney and Digestion Physiology.
    Organizing and teaching practical physiology labs.
    From 1997 - now, I have been involved in teaching and hold tutorial lectures
    to bachelor, master and PhD students at Medical and Surgical faculty,
    University study of Padua, at Biomedicine faculty at Karolinska Institutet,
    and at Pharmacy faculty of Binzhou Medical University, Yantai, China.


All other publications


  • Senior Research Specialist, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Karolinska Institutet, 2022-

Degrees and Education

  • Docent, Karolinska Institutet, 2017

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