Stefania Koutsilieri
Phd Student
Visiting address: Solnavägen 9, Biomedicum, 17165 Solna
Postal address: C3 Fysiologi och farmakologi, C3 FyFa Individanpassad medicin och läkemedelsutveckling, 171 77 Stockholm
About me
- Stefania Koutsilieri is a Ph.D. student in the Laboratory of ‘Personalized
Medicine and Drug Development’ in the Physiology and Pharmacology
Department of Karolinska Institutet, under the supervision of Assoc. Prof.
V.M.Lauschke. After graduating with honors from the Pharmacy School of the
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), she completed her
Master’s degree in Pharmacology. Stefania has been awarded a Ph.D.
scholarship from the Onassis Foundation to pursue research in the fields of
Pharmacology and Pharmacogenomics. Her research focuses on the profound
characterisation of the signaling pathways activated upon the binding of
medications on G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) in an effort to gain a
better understanding of drug efficacy and side effects. The impact of
interpatient variability is also investigated by employing 3D culture models
of primary human tissues.
Apart from the research projects in which she is involved, Stefania deeply
believes that for Pharmacogenomics to be implemented in the clinic, it is of
tremendous importance that regulatory aspects should be taken into
consideration as carefully as research itself. To this end, Stefania focuses
on the delineation of the similarities and most importantly, the
discrepancies between the pharmacogenomic information that is documented in
the drug labels approved by the two major regulatory bodies (FDA, EMA) and
renowned research consortia, like the Clinical Pharmacogenetics
Implementation Consortium.
- Article: BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL. 2024;19(3):e2300684
- Article: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 2023;14(1):6243
- Article: ACS CHEMICAL BIOLOGY. 2023;18(9):1993-2002
- Article: PHARMACOLOGICAL RESEARCH. 2020;153:104590
- Article: FRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGY. 2019;10:830
- Journal article: CHEST. 2012;142(4):1080a-1080c
All other publications
- Review: BASIC & CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY & TOXICOLOGY. 2022;131(6):452-464
- Editorial comment: JCO ONCOLOGY PRACTICE. 2020;16(12):799-800
- Editorial comment: PHARMACOLOGICAL RESEARCH. 2020;158:104839
- Editorial comment: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY. 2019;94(7):737-740