Seppo Koskinen

Seppo Koskinen

Affiliated to Research
Visiting address: Hälsovägen, Enheten för radiologi C1:46, 14186 Stockholm
Postal address: H9 Klinisk vetenskap, intervention och teknik, H9 CLINTEC Radiologi, 141 52 Huddinge

About me

  • The Volvo Award on Low Back Pain Research 1994: Videman T, Sarna S, Battié
    MC, Koskinen S, Gill K, Paananen H, Gibbons L: The long-term effects of
    physical loading and exercise lifestyles on back-related symptoms,
    disability, and spinal pathology.
    American Society of Emergency Radiology; Honorary Fellow, 2006
    /RadioGraphics/ Editor’s recognition award with special distinction 2015


  • Seppo K Koskinen, M.D., Ph.D.
    Scientific Education and Research Profile
    I started my scientific work and education under the supervision of Professor
    Martti Kormano in 1989. In addition to practical supervision of research
    projects, his teaching included scientific writing, statistical methods, and
    planning and conducting scientific projects. Moreover, his profound
    understanding of integrating research and teaching has had a paramount impact
    on my scientific thinking. During this period that lasted until 1996, I was
    able to publish several clinical and basic research papers (see list of
    publications and my CV). Since the ultimate goal in medical research should
    always be to benefit the patient, I have combined basic and clinical
    research. This goal is reflected by the versatility of scientific production.
    Therefore, the selected papers (see separate list) also include less cited
    articles describing my experience in various areas besides main research
    My first line of research focused on MR imaging of patellofemoral disorders.
    I joined a young and innovative research group, and during a relatively short
    period (1990-1993) I produced eight original papers, including five clinical
    papers that comprise my medical dissertation. Besides, my research included
    sports and exercise related injuries and studies of relaxation properties of
    novel MR contrast agents and tissue specificity of low-field magnetization
    transfer contrast imaging.
    From August 1996 to July 1998 I was a post-doctoral research fellow at
    Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA under
    the supervision of Professor Ferenc Jolesz, M.D., the father of MR imaged
    surgery. The period enabled a deep introduction to MR imaging and image
    guided interventions and therapy. My main interest was kinematic
    musculoskeletal imaging using a novel vertically open MR scanner. This was a
    continuation of my work in Turku University Hospital, where I had started a
    study kinematic imaging of cervical spine (these two papers were later
    published). I finished a white paper on musculoskeletal function and
    published a paper of patellofemoral function in ACL-deficient knees. The
    studies of MR guided interventions led to review papers and an original paper
    about a novel method using high-focused ultrasound treatment of synovitis. In
    addition to these clinically oriented projects, I finished a study on
    biexponential behavior of T2 relaxation in exercised muscle. This
    two-year-period is the basis of my wide international contacts and network
    including USA, Germany, Sweden, and South Africa.
    After finishing my radiology training in the summer of 1999, I was almost
    immediately appointed as an acting radiologist-in chief of a large and busy
    trauma-musculoskeletal imaging section at the Helsinki University Hospital,
    and the position was tenured in January 2002. Since then, my research has
    focused heavily on trauma radiology. Due to the nature of trauma, the
    research has largely been retrospective. The introduction of multi-slice-CT
    (MDCT) and well-functioning PACS has helped create a productive research
    environment even in a busy trauma practice with heavy clinical and
    administrative workload. Five dissertations have been completed and four are
    currently in progress. The research is clinically oriented and mainly focuses
    on diagnostic capabilities of MDCT, dual-energy CT, and MRI in severe chest
    and extremity trauma. Multiple research projects are being performed in
    collaboration with various clinical departments. The most recent research is
    in collaboration with Planmed Inc and was focused on developing a novel
    cone-beam CT dedicated to extremity imaging. The product went on-sale fall
    2011. The recent research at Karolinska Institute is focused on dual-energy
    CT for polytrauma patients.
    In conclusion, I have been very productive in both basic and clinical
    research as well as clinical and administrative work.


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