Sahra Bunner
Telephone: +46852481556
Mobile phone: +46702592438
Visiting address: Framstegsgatan 21 D1:04, 17176 Solna
Postal address: K2 Medicin, Solna, K2 Administration, 171 77 Stockholm
About me
- Department administrator for Dermatology and Venereology, Experimental
Endocrinology, Infectious diseases and Clinical Medicine.
I administrate and take care of 13 research group leaders and about 210
doctoral students, postdocs, students and affiliated doctors, etc.
My main duties in collaboration with KI MedS Economy- and HR-staff is:
* Economy - agreements, projects, invoicing, IT fee, requisitions
* Staff matters - new employees, scholorship, expenses, sick leave, booking
* Order - Wisum etc
* IDAC administrator
* Web Administrator
* ALF / the hospital - invoicing
* Dissertations
* Booking venues, ordering catering
And much more....
Please contact me with any concerns