Rosaria Galanti

Rosaria Galanti

Professor Emeritus/Emerita | Docent
Visiting address: Solnavägen 1 E, 11365 Stockholm
Postal address: K9 Global folkhälsa, K9 GPH Möller, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I am a physician with educational and early-career roots in Italy, in the field of preventive and community medicine. In 1996 I earned a PhD in Cancer Epidemiology at Uppsala University. After my graduation I have continuously engaged in the two worlds of research at KI and applied public health at the Stockholm County Council.

    In December 2012 I was appointed adjunct professor in epidemiology at the Department of Public Health Sciences, research group Epidemiology and Public Health Intervention Research (EPHIR). Since 2022 I am professor emerita.

    1978 Degree in Medicine
    1981 Specialist Degree in Communicable Diseases
    1985 Specialist Degree in Hygiene and Community Medicine
    1996 PhD in Cancer Epidemiology


  • My research unfolds along three themes:

    1. Epidemiology of tobacco use: consequences for health and determinants of onset and cessation, with special concern for youth populations. In this area, my major endeavour has been the BROMS cohort, a longitudinal study of more than 3000 children followed up throughout adolescence into adulthood.

    2. School environment’s influence on mental health among adolescents, a subject which is the leading track of my major project, a longitudinal study named Kupol.

    3. Intervention evaluation research, where I apply epidemiological thinking to the task of gathering evidence on “what works” to promote health and to prevent diseases. Some of these studies were funded and/or conducted in cooperation with public health authorities, above all the Stockholm County Council. Examples of this line of research are a systematic review of how school policy against smoking can affect the behavior among students; and a randomized controlled trial of brief advice for smoking cessation in dental clinics (FRITT study)
    Even if no longer a major commitment I like to “keep an eye” on my thesis subject, i.e. the etiology of thyroid cancer, on which I collaborate with other researchers.


  • Fro 2011 to 2023 I have served as course leader for two courses in the Master of Public Health program, track Epidemiology, where I currently teach on methods of outcome evaluation of public health interventions.

    Other teaching moments I have been regularly involved in concern:

    The treatment of “missing values” in epidemiologic research, a lecture I usually hold for the Clinical Research School at KI
    Methodologic issues in studies of tobacco dependence.

    I have been the main supervisor for seven PhD students, of whom six defended their thesis; for two Post-Doc fellows;  and for several master students.


All other publications


  • Professor Emeritus/Emerita, Department of Global Public Health, Karolinska Institutet, 2022-2025

Degrees and Education

  • Docent, Karolinska Institutet, 2006

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