Pierre le Merre
Research Specialist
E-mail: pierre.le.merre@ki.se
Visiting address: Solnavägen 9 - kvarter B4, 17165 Solna
Postal address: C4 Neurovetenskap, C4 Forskning Carlen, 171 77 Stockholm
About me
- I am interested to understand what cognition means in biological terms and
how abstract cognitive variables are implemented by cortical networks such as
the prefrontal cortex.
I am currently a postdoc in the lab of Dr. Marie Carlén. I am interested
to understand what cognition means in biological terms and how abstract
cognitive variables are implemented by cortical networks such as the
prefrontal cortex. Brain circuits are continuously performing neuronal
computations allowing organisms to act upon hidden rules of the external
world. The ability to generalize an outcome from a couple of observations, to
extract the rule from a situation or to maintain in focus a specific external
input are examples of abstract cognitive operations performed by many
species. By studying the neuronal activity of model organisms during well
controlled behavioral paradigms, we hope to reveal the neuronal correlates
underlying the abstract cognitive variables. To achieve this goal we need to
have a good knowledge of "the basics" i.e. how neuronal networks are
anatomically arranged and how do they respond to simple sensory and motor
*2020* – StratNeuro Postdoc Grant
*2019-2021* – NARSAD Young Investigator Award (2019)
*2019*, NVIDIA GPU Grant program.
*2018-2019*, Karolinska Institutet fonder
*2015*, Fellowship, International Mobility Fellowship Lyon-St Etienne
*2017 (January to June), Post-doctoral researcher* at the École
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in the lab of Carl Petersen (EPFL,
Lausanne, Switzerland).
*2012- 2016, PhD degree in Neurosciences* : Thesis title: /Cortical dynamics
and sensory processing in the awake mouse - impact of the behavioral
context/. Thesis co-directed between the University of Lyon by Paul Salin
(CRNL, Lyon, France) and the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne by
Carl Petersen (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland) and Sylvain Crochet (EPFL,
Lausanne, Switzerland).
*2009-2012, Master’s degree of Biosciences (MSc)* at the École Normale
Supérieure of Lyon.
*2009-2010, Agrégation des Sciences de la Vie, de la Terre et de l’Univers
*(french national teacher grade in Biology and Geology).
*2007-2008, Bachelor’s degree in Fundamental Biology (BSc)* at the Ecole
Normale Supérieure of Lyon.
- In the lab we study the mouse prefrontal cortex (PFC). At large, the PFC
still lacks a conclusive definition, and the structure and function of this
brain area across species remain unresolved. The PFC is implicated in
perceptual, emotional, social, motivational, and numerous other brain
processes and considered to enable flexible behavior. In following, disturbed
PFC functioning has been connected to most, if not all, mental disorders,
including drug addiction. Present-day preclinical researchers increasingly
utilize mice (Mus musculus) as model animals. However, in parallel clinical
transfer of pre-clinically identified therapeutics targeting mental disorder
(and other brain disorders) is still at large failing. Lack of understanding
of the structure and function of the brain hampers the understanding of which
findings are transferable between species. Needless to say, deciphering of
the structure and function of the PFC is of great importance.
To go after functional properties of the mouse PFC we use a combination of
state-of-the-art techniques: viral tracing, high-density extracellular
recordings (Neuropixels, silicon probes), optogenetics and high resolution
behavioral tracking. With this methodology, we hope to unravel essential
functional features of the mouse mPFC furthering our understanding of this
mysterious brain region.
- *Teaching Assistant*, University of Lyon and École Normale Supérieure (64h
per year).
Since 2021, I am a co-organizer of the *Brain Circuit Course* in KI together
with Marie Carlén and Dinos Meletis.
Article: NATURE NEUROSCIENCE. 2023;26(7):1245-1255
Article: SCIENCE. 2020;370(6512):73
Article: NEURON. 2018;97(1):83-91.e5
Article: CEREBRAL CORTEX. 2017;27(12):5444-5462
All other publications
Review: NEURON. 2021;109(12):1925-1944