Peter Hill

Peter Hill

Phd Student
Visiting address: Södersjukhuset, Sjukhusbacken 13, 11883 Stockholm
Postal address: S1 Klinisk forskning och utbildning, Södersjukhuset, S1 KI SÖS Forskning Akut, 118 83 Stockholm

About me

  • I have great interest in prehospital care and have over 10 year´s experience from the sector. I have worked operative as a nurse and moved forward as a manager in the Stockholm EMS system. Currently i work with procurement of prehospital care in Region Stockholm and as a chlinical PhD-student. I have a particular interest in prehospital data and making prehospital healthcare data available for the use in making visual statistics and analytics. Combining prehospital data with other healthcare data is my latest challenge. I am convinced that making data available and easily accessible, will bring prehospital care towards a higher level of knowledge. I hope that my work with prehospital data leads to increased quality of care and patient safety. I am an ambitious person who loves working collaborative with different partners and organisations. Achieving joint goals together with collaborating partners gives me great satisfaction and drives me forward.


  • PhD Project Dynamic EMS allocation


    The priority level 1 response time has an established central role in EMS allocation. It seems to be a limited knowledge on how ​EMS recourse allocation based on the prio 1 response time effects ​the efficiency and overall patient safety in the EMS system.


    Refining prediction of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) allocation based on individual conditions might increase patient safety by shortening waiting time for patients in need of immediate care.


    The aim  of my research is to increase patient safety and efficiency in the EMS system by refining the EMS resource allocation

Selected publications


  • Phd Student, Department of Clinical Science and Education, Södersjukhuset, Karolinska Institutet, 2022-2025

Degrees and Education

  • Master of Science in Nursing, Prehospital care, Sophiahemmet University College, 2012
  • Degree Of Bachelor Of Medical Science, Karolinska Institutet, 2008
  • Degree Of Bachelor Of Science In Nursing, Karolinska Institutet, 2008

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