Olga Chuquimia

Olga Chuquimia

Research Engineer
Visiting address: Solnavägen 30, Bioclinicum Lungforskningslab, J7:30, 17174 Solna
Postal address: K2 Medicin, Solna, K2 Imm o lung Wheelock Å, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I work with Natalia Rivera in her research project focused on elucidating the
    molecular mechanism behind the pathogenesis of the inmmune -mediated
    diseases, sarcoidosis and rheumatoid arthritis using immunology and
    molecular biology tools as well as Biobanking and Clinical research
    laboratory experience.


  • The research is focused on the genomics and functional studies in autoimmune
    diseases, particularly sarcoidosis and rheumatoid arthritis to understand
    the genetic factors for both diseases and to identify their functional
    implication in disease pathogenesis using epigenetic methods such as histone
    modification marks in immune cells from patients affected by both diseases.
    Additionally, to support the consortium MESARGEN - Multi-Ethnic Sarcoidosis
    Consortium for Genetic Studies led by Natalia Rivera from Johan Grunewald's
    Lung research Lab at Karolinska Instituted with the aim to identify clinical
    biomarkers and molecular targets that can be utilized in the clinic.

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