Lucia Coppo

Lucia Coppo

Visiting address: Solnavägen 9, 9A, 17177 Stockholm
Postal address: C2 Medicinsk biokemi och biofysik, C2 Biokemi Arnér, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Lucia joined the Biochemistry Division in 2012
    *Researcher* in the Biochemistry Elias Arner's group
    *Postdoc appointments* 2012- 2018 Postdoctoral fellow at the
    Biochemistry division Arne Holmgren's group.
    April 2013-July 2013 King’s College of London, Fellowship
    by CTI-Science biotech Company to test the antioxidant and metal chelator
    properties of a new compound.
    *PhD in Molecular Medicine* 2008-2012 Department of Neuroscience,
    Pharmacology Unit, University of Siena, Italy.
    With the addition of the European label “/Doctor Europaeus/” in
    compliance with the requirements of the European University Association.
    Exchange PhD program: visiting student in Brighton and Sussex Medical School
    Falmer, Brighton
    2021-Awarded of *EMBO short-term fellowship* in the Ivan Gout’s Lab UCL,
    London, UK.
    2020-2021 Awarded of *Fulbright scholarship* in Ed Schmidt’s lab, Montana
    State University, US.
    Serving as a member of a thesis examination committee
    2020 October 27th *Member of the Doctoral Thesis panel.* Candidate: Pablo
    Marti Andres, Department of Physiology Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitat de
    València Spain.
    2020 June 12th *Member of half-time control committee* for the PhD
    student Mattia Russel Pantalone, Söderberg-Naucler’s lab,
    Department of Medicine, Karolinska Institute.
    2019-October 11th *Member of half-time control committee *for the PhD
    student Pierre Sabatier, Zubarev ‘s lab, MBB Department.
    2017 March 24th. *Member of the Doctoral Thesis panel.* Candidate: Cristina
    Álvarez Zaldiernas. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the
    University of Barcelona, Spain.


  • During my PhD, I investigated how redox signaling and regulation, control
    platelet aggregation and how redox modifications as glutathionylation lead to
    not conventional protein secretion. Moreover, I was also interested in how
    glutathionylation can modulate protein function and the connection between
    redox biology and immunity.
    Following my interest on redox regulation and signaling I applied for a
    postdoctoral position in the group of Prof. Arne Holmgren, redox pioneer,
    widely known for the in-depth studies of Thioredoxins, Thioredoxin Reductases
    and for the discovery and characterization of Glutaredoxins (Grxs).
    I particularly worked in developing highly sensitive assays that allow to
    detected Grx at picomolar levels and glutathione in human plasma. Overall,
    these methods have simplicity and rapidity combined with high sensitivity as
    main advantages; therefore, they may be particularly suitable for large-scale
    clinical studies.
    I started to work with transgenic mouse models to study the crosstalk of Trx
    and Grx pathways in Trx, Trx reductase and/or Glutathione Reductase null-mice
    in the hepatocytes.
    Another main focus of my research is to characterize the role of Grx2 using
    a mouse model with Grx2 depletion in mitochondria. The transgenic mice
    developed an unexpected phenotype consisting in increase body weight already
    at early stage of life that suggest an key role of Grx2 in metabolism.


  • May 2019: Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
    Involved in Biomedicine Program: Introduction to Biomedicine and Den Friska
    Människan 1


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