Loes Teeuwen

Loes Teeuwen

Visiting address: BioClinicum, J7:30, Akademiska stråket 1, 17164 Stockholm
Postal address: K2 Medicin, Solna, K2 Imm o lung Gabrielsson S, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Loes did her master´s studies Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences at
    University Utrecht, Netherlands. She started working with vesicles derived
    from boar spermatozoa using electron microscopy during her major master´s
    internship in Veterinary Medicine at Utrecht University. Following this path,
    she started her minor masters´ internship working on the comparison of
    different isolation methods of extracellular vesicles at Karolinska
    Institutet in the group of Susanne Gabrielsson. In 2020, she started her PhD
    focusing on optimizing bone-marrow dendritic cell-derived extracellular
    vesicles (BMDC EVs) for cancer immunotherapy using mouse models.
    Contact: loes.teeuwen@ki.se


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