Laura Baqué Vidal
About me
Regent graduate PhD on regenerative medicine in Lanner's lab. Currently project manager of CellThRPE1 to apply for clinical trials phase I.
Awarded with the KI travel grant 2022 to assist in ARVO Annual Meeting in Denver 2022.
Awarded with the KI travel grant 2023 to assist in ISCT Annual Meeting in Paris 2023.
Awarded with the Early Stage Professionals Abstract Award in the ISCT Annual Meeting 2023.Awarded with the travel grant from the pharmacists C. D. Carlssons fund from the Apotekarsocieteten (Swedish Pharmaceutical Society) to join ARVO Annual Meeting 2024.
Awarded with the Nordic Early Stage Professionals Abstract Award in the ISCT European Regional Meeting 2024.
Project 1:
After the extraordinary efforts of my former colleagues in the lab (Petrus-Reurer, Stem Cells Translational Medicine, 2020; Plaza Reyes and
Petrus-Reurer, Nat Comm, 2020; and Petrus-Reuer and Winbland, Stem Cells Report, 2020), we are ready to take our RPE product to clinical trials.
Together with Saint Eriks Eye Hospital and Novo Nordisk A/S (, we aim to test our RPE product in a Swedish small group of patients in the next few years.
My involvement in this project is on the development and validation of some quality control assays of the RPE product as well as the production of
the cells. I have been involved in the development and validation of the delivery of the target dose.
Project 2:
Our protocol to produce robustly hESC-RPE has been published before by Plaza Reyes and Petrus-Reurer, Nat Comm, 2020, but we were intrigued to know how this differentiation occurs. For that we employed scRNAseq to transcriptionally characterize different timepoints throughout the hESC-RPE protocol until the final drug product to be used on clinical applications. This work has been published in the pre-print (Petrus-Reurer, S. Lederer, A. R., Baqué-Vidal, L. et al., Molecular profiling of retinal pigment epithelial cell differentiation. Stem Cell Reports, 2022.
-March 2023-June 2023 co-supervisor of Eda Erbil from Biomedicine Master Program from Karolinska Institutet on her Research project entitled "Biomedicine Master Program from Karolinska Institutet on her Research project entitled".
-Sept 2021- June 2022 supervisor of Nefeli Beri from Biomedicine Master Program from Karolinska Institutet on her Research project entitled "Cryopreservation of human embryonic stem cell derived retinal pigmented epithelium for clinical applications" and Master Thesis entitled "Device
tolerability and dose accuracy study for CellThRPE1", passed with honors.
-Sept 2021-June 2022 co-supervisor of Hugo Metzger from the Molecular and Cellular Biology Bachelor's degree program from the University of Strasbourg, France, with the research project entitled "Investigating the mechanism of action hPSC-RPE cryopreservation".
- Journal article: NATURE METHODS. 2025;:636
- Article: NATURE METHODS. 2025;22(1):193-206
- Article: CYTOTHERAPY. 2024;26(4):340-350
- Article: STEM CELL REPORTS. 2022;17(6):1458-1475
- Article: NATURE CELL BIOLOGY. 2022;24(6):845-857
All other publications
- Affiliated to Research, Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology, Karolinska Institutet, 2024-2025
- Research Assistant, Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology, Karolinska Institutet, 2024-2024
- Phd Student, Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology, Karolinska Institutet, 2019-2024
Degrees and Education
- Degree Of Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology, Karolinska Institutet, 2024