Jan Grosser

Jan Grosser

Affiliated to Research
Visiting address: Solnavägen 9, 17165 Stockholm
Postal address: C5 Cell- och molekylärbiologi, C5 CMB Baranello, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I am from a small town near Bremen, the home of the famous town musicians
    from the brothers Grimm’s fairy tales. However, I move to Heidelberg in the
    south of Germany to attain both my bachelor’s and master’s degree. During
    that time, I also spent one semester in Umeå. I came to like Sweden a lot
    which contributed to my decision to return. Finally, I moved here in January
    of 2020 to join Laura Baranello’s group as a PhD student.
    During my master’s studies in Heidelberg, I got into working with
    RNA-sequencing. In my master’s thesis specifically, I aimed to quantify
    tRNAs by sequencing. I do not only like to work in the lab, but also enjoy
    working on the computer, writing my own bioinformatical scripts. I would like
    to keep up this duality in my future research. Here at KI I work with
    sequencing data from different sources such as SlamSeq for the quantification
    of nascent RNAs.
    In our group the research is focused on DNA torsional stress. One source of
    this is the unwinding of DNA during transcription. The moving polymerase
    causes the DNA to be more tightly wound in front of and less tightly wound
    behind it. Topoisomerases are enzymes which help to return the DNA to its
    natural state to prevent damage and enable cellular processes to proceed
    correctly. We are especially interest in how these enzymes are regulated e.g.
    by interacting with other factors involved in transcription such as the
    global transcription factor MYC.


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