Hanna Gador
Financial Officer
E-mail: hanna.gador@ki.se
Telephone: +46852487543
Visiting address: Alfred Nobels allé 8, plan 8, 14152 Huddinge
Postal address: H5 Laboratoriemedicin, H5 Administrativa kansliet Ekonomi, 141 52 Huddinge
About me
- Department contact person for EU, NIH, US, EDCTP and other International projects
where my main responsibility is to assist you during the whole project, from
proposal stage through the project duration.
I can help you with your international projects
* Proposal and Budget
* Agreements connected to proposal and project phases
* Basic purchase and frame agreement questions
* Review of travel expenses
* Review and inquiries of time reporting/Time sheets
* Project reporting
* Financial reporting of the EU, US, NIH, EDCTP and EU Flagship projects
I am also the Financial Coordinator of the OPENCORONA project