Georgios Alkis Zisiadis

Georgios Alkis Zisiadis

Clinical Assistant
Visiting address: BioMedicum A4, Solnavägen 9, 17165 Solna
Postal address: K6 Kvinnors och barns hälsa, K6 Barnonkologi och Barnkirurgi Blomgren, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I am a PhD candidate in the fields of Neurogenesis and Radiation Biology,
    working in the Klas Blomgren Laboratory in the Department of Women's and
    Children's Health. I completed my Bachelor's studies in Biology with a
    scpecialization in Genetics, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology from the
    Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece and I received my Master's of
    Medical Science in Biotechnology at Karolinska Institutet, where I had the
    opprtunity to be part of several groups over the years.
    PhD in Medical Science, Karolinska institutet, Department of Women's and
    Children's Health, Klas Blomgren group, 2020-currently
    Master of Medical Science (MMedSc) with a Major in Biomedicine, Karolinska
    institutet, 2017-2019
    Bachelor’s in Science (BSc), Degree in Biology, Aristotle University of
    Thessaloniki (AUTH), Specialisation Track: Genetics, Developmental and
    Molecular Biology, 2011-2015


  • Radiation therapy is a cornerstone in the treatment of high-grade pediatric
    brain tumors. While lifesaving, these childhood cancer survivors will
    potentially experience progressive cogntive dysfuntions, which result from
    permanent disruptions in brain development and manifest primarily as
    difficulties in information processing, learning, memory acquisition and
    psychosocial distress. One hypothesis behind these late complications is the
    ablation of hippocampal neurogensis that is observed after brain irradiation.
    My aim is to understand this phenomenon and prevent and/or reverse the loss
    of newborn neurons in the juvenile brain. Throughout my studies, I focus on
    memantine, a clinically approved drug for the treatment of Alzheimer's
    disease, as a potential therapeutic agent. At the same, I am exploring the
    role of microglia in the chronic neuroinflammation that follows radiotherapy
    and their implication in the process of neurogensis. I am also particularly
    interested in how astrocytes react after irradiation and the changes that can
    be observed in their physiology across time.

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