Franziska KohlE-mail: franziska.kohl@ki.seVisiting address: Solnavägen 9, 3A, 17177 StockholmPostal address: C2 Medicinsk biokemi och biofysik, 171 77 StockholmPublicationsPublic outreach and newsArticles Article: ADVANCED SCIENCE. 2023;10(12):e2206187 Lipid Nanoparticles Deliver the Therapeutic VEGFA mRNA In Vitro and In Vivo and Transform Extracellular Vesicles for Their Functional Extensions Nawaz M; Heydarkhan-Hagvall S; Tangruksa B; Garibotti HG-K; Jing Y; Maugeri M; Kohl F; Hultin L; Reyahi A; Camponeschi A; Kull B; Christoffersson J; Grimsholm O; Jennbacken K; Sundqvist M; Wiseman J; Bidar AW; Lindfors L; Synnergren J; Valadi HAll other publications Doctoral thesis: 2025 Development of iPSC-derived models and cell-penetrating peptides towards therapeutic targeting of vascular anomalies Kohl FNews from KIEvents from KI