Federica Nobile

Visiting address: Nobels väg 13, 17177 Stockholm
Postal address: C6 Institutet för miljömedicin, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • 2023 - present PhD - Karolinska Institutet, Insitute of Environmental Medicine (Unit of Environmental Epidemiology)


    2019 Master’s degree in Statistical sciences, population and economics - Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Statistical Sciences


    2017 Bachelor’s degree in Statistics, Economics and Society - Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Statistical Sciences


  • The aim of my doctoral project is to develop spatio-temporal air pollution models and to investigate the relationship between short-term and long-term exposure to air pollution and different health outcomes at European level.

    The project is supervised by Assoc. Prof. Petter Ljungman, Adj. Sr. Lect. Massimo Stafoggia, Prof. Itai Kloog and Ass. Prof. Kees de Hoogh.


All other publications


  • Affiliated to Research, Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, 2023-2024

Degrees and Education

  • M. Sc., Statistical sciences, population and economics, Sapienza University of Rome, 2019
  • B. Sc., Statistics, Economics and Society, Sapienza University of Rome, 2017

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