Eva Hedlund

Eva Hedlund

Principal Researcher | Docent
Visiting address: Solnavägen 9, 17165 Solna
Postal address: C5 Cell- och molekylärbiologi, C5 CMB Hedlund, 171 77 Stockholm


  • The lethal motor neuron diseases (MNDs) amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
    and spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) are defined by the loss of somatic motor
    neurons that innervate muscles in arms, legs, trunk and face, leading to
    muscle wasting. However, not all motor neurons are equally vulnerable;
    certain groups of motor neurons are spared, including those in the oculomotor
    nucleus, controlling eye movement and motor neurons in the Onuf's nucleus,
    controlling pelvic muscles. The reasons for the differential vulnerability to
    degeneration among motor neuron groups are unknown.
    *Research in the Hedlund lab is aimed at elucidating mechanisms of neuronal
    vulnerability and resistance with the goal of identifying new molecular
    targets for the treatment of motor neuron diseases.*
    Towards this goal, we utilize laser capture microdissection coupled with RNA
    sequencing to dissect molecular pathways in distinct motor neuron populations
    in animal models of MNDs. We also perform cross-disease analyses of
    degenerative and regenerative axonal responses at neuromuscular junctions -
    the specialized synapses between motor neurons and muscle.
    Motor neuron cultures derived from embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and induced
    pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) harboring disease-inducing mutations are
    coupled with microfluidics to model MNDs and study neuronal vulnerability and
    protection in vitro. Finally, we modulate candidate gene expression in vivo
    in transgenic MND mouse models to induce motor neuron protection and axonal
    More information can be found on the lab web site. [1]
    [1] http://ki.se/en/neuro/hedlund-laboratory


All other publications


  • Principal Researcher, Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Karolinska Institutet, 2023-

Degrees and Education

  • Docent, karolinska institutet, 2011
  • Doctor Of Philosophy, - No translation available -, Karolinska Institutet, 2000

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