Emma Ringqvist

Emma Ringqvist

Research Specialist
Visiting address: Alfred Nobels allé 8, plan 7, 14152 Huddinge
Postal address: H7 Medicin, Huddinge, H7 CIM Flodström-Tullberg, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Since 2020 I am working as a research specialist in the research group of Prof. Malin Flodström Tullberg at Center for Infectious Medicine at Huddinge campus. Here, I utilise my expertice in cell biology and immunology to study environmental factors disrupting Langerhans islet and beta cell function, induction of auto-immunity and the initiation of Type 1 Diabetes. 

    My passion for science and my interest in infection biology, immunology and the magic world host-parasite interaction has taken me from initial projects as an undergrad on Hepatitis C replication and virulence factors in single cell parasites (Toxoplasma gondii/Plasmodium falciparum/Giardia) and hookworm infections in which led me to study pulmonary immunology and the development and activities of Alveolar Macrophages. 


    2018-2019. Post-doc in Research group Tim Willinger, CIM, Karolinska Institutet. Research area: Macrophage ontology, pulmonary health and injury resolution.

    2018. Post-doc with Dr. Åsa Wheelock, CMM, Karolinska Institutet; Investigating monocytes, macrophages and T-cells from young adult's with known pulmonary limitations due to premature birth (LUNAPRE cohort). 

    2015. Wenner-Gren Research Fellow (2 year salary including research funding)
    2010. Wenner-Gren Postdoctoral Fellow (3 year international postdoc). Application and interview process, 5% success rate.
    2012-2015. Institute of Immunology and Infection Research, Universtiy of Edinburgh. Professor Judith E. Allen group. Project: The molecular and immunological basis of emphysema development in a rodent hookworm model.
    2010-2012. AgResearch, Palmerston North, New Zealand. Equivalent of 1 year full time. Project: Immunomodulation of Dendritic Cells by ruminant helminths.
    2009. Scholarship. Lennanders stiftelse. 3 months post-doctoral research
    project funding including living cost scholarship with Dr Hugo Lujan, Cordoba, Argentina, on virulence factors in Giardia infections.
    2010. PhD in Microbiology. Uppsala University. Thesis title: Host-Pathogen Responses during Giardia infections. Supervisor: Prof. Staffan G. Svärd,
    Department of Cell and Molecular Biology.[


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