Edmund Loh
Principal Researcher | Docent
E-mail: edmund.loh@ki.se
Visiting address: Solnavägen 9, Biomedicum A05, 17176 Stockholm
Postal address: C1 Mikrobiologi, tumör- och cellbiologi, C1 M P Henriques/Normark Loh, 171 77 Stockholm
About me
- *Current positions:*
*Principal Researcher *(Senior forskare) at Karolinska Institutet. (May
*Docent *(June 2022-present)
*Wallenberg Academy Fellow *at Karolinska Institutet*. *(July 2015-present)
*Visiting Group Leader*, Singapore Centre for Environmental Life Sciences
Engineering. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. (August
*Director of studies* (DoS) of the National Doctoral Programme in Infection
and Antibiotics (*NDPIA*) funded by Vetenskapsrådet. (February 2018-present)
*Science and Research Advisory Board*, * * Academy for Silent Mentor (AFSM),
Malaysia. (June 2021- December 2025)
*Education and previous positions:*
*Assistant Professor* at the Department of MTC, Karolinska Institutet. (April
2015-April 2019)
*Home coming research fellow* (Ventenskapsrådet) at the Department of MTC,
Karolinska Institutet. (April 2014-March 2015)
*Postdoctoral research fellow *(Ventenskapsrådet)* *at The Sir William Dunn
School of Pathology, University of Oxford. (March 2011- March 2014). Mentor:
/Professor Christoph Tang /
*PhD in Molecular Biology*, Umeå University, Sweden (2010)
(Thesis title: RNA-mediated virulence gene regulation in the human pathogen
/Listeria monocytogenes/). Supervisor: /Professor Jörgen Johansson/.
/Defended thesis: 12th May 2010/
*Master of Science (MSc)* *in Biomedicine*, Umeå University, Sweden (2004)
- Article: PROTEOMICS. 2024;24(14):e2300496
- Article: METHODS IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY. 2023;2674:73-85
- Article: VIRULENCE. 2021;12(1):389-403
- Article: PLOS PATHOGENS. 2021;17(4):e1009513
- Article: JMIR RESEARCH PROTOCOLS. 2020;9(11):e21430
- Article: MBIO. 2020;11(5):e01774-e01720
- Article: RNA BIOLOGY. 2020;17(5):718-730
- Article: MOLECULES. 2020;25(7):1747
- Article: MICROBIOLOGY SPECTRUM. 2018;6(2):10.1128/microbiolspec.rwr
- Article: NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH. 2016;44(19):9426-9437
- Article: PLOS PATHOGENS. 2016;12(8):e1005794
- Article: JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY. 2015;197(10):1757-1768
- Article: NATURE. 2013;502(7470):237-240
- Article: NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH. 2012;40(4):1818-1827
- Article: CELL. 2009;139(4):770-779
- Article: NATURE. 2009;459(7249):950-956
- Article: RNA BIOLOGY. 2009;6(2):179-186
- Article: ENDOCRINOLOGY. 2007;148(6):2716-2722
All other publications
- Corrigendum: NATURE REVIEWS MICROBIOLOGY. 2023;21(12):833
- Editorial comment: NATURE REVIEWS MICROBIOLOGY. 2023;21(10):635
- Review: TRENDS IN MICROBIOLOGY. 2022;30(10):959-972
- Editorial comment: LANCET MICROBE. 2021;2(9):e421-e422
- Corrigendum: MBIO. 2020;11(6):e02809-e02820
- Preprint: BIORXIV. 2019
- Preprint: BIORXIV. 2019
- Review: NATURE REVIEWS MICROBIOLOGY. 2010;8(12):857-866
- Review: TRENDS IN MICROBIOLOGY. 2006;14(7):294-298
- Principal Researcher, Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology, Karolinska Institutet, 2022-
Degrees and Education
- Docent, Karolinska Institutet, 2022