David Forsberg

David Forsberg

Affiliated to Research
Visiting address: Widerströmska huset, Tomtebodavägen 18A, plan8, 17177 Stockholm
Postal address: K6 Kvinnors och barns hälsa, K6 Klinisk pediatrik Herlenius Pukk Härenstam, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I am a postdoc in Eric Herlenius's group after defending my thesis in 2017.
    I currently hold a position as a resident in pediatric medicine at Karolinska University
    Hospital in Solna.
    Karolinska Institutet's Clincial Scientist Training Programme (2012)
    Medical internship with resarch (Forskar-AT) (2018)
    *Forsberg D**. *Neuroglia and the importance for sleep and neurodevelopment.
    *Invited lecturer *2019 Stockholm Conference on Ultra-Early Intervention
    *Forsberg D*, Honoré A, Rombo K, Coste K, Chatterjee S, Herlenius E. *Tidig
    upptäckt av varningssignaler för infektion hos nyfödda med hjälp av
    maskininlärning av fysiomarkörer.* 2019. /Annual Swedish Pediatric society
    meeting Örebro/
    Awarded prize for best scientific abstract of the year.
    *Forsberg D*, Horn Z., Thonabulsombat C, Björk L, Herlenius E. 2013.
    *Brainstem breathing in a dish.* /PAS Pediatric Academic Society annual
    Meeting Washington Abstract #: 754625, General Pediatrics &Preventive
    Pediatrics; 3800.17/
    Herlenius E, *Forsberg D*, Drevin G, Pejovic NJ. 2013. *Sudden unexpected
    collapse of newborn infants: incidence, risk factors and role of perinatal
    transition. */PAS Pediatric Academic Society annual Meeting Washington
    Abstract:2708733 General Pediatrics &Preventive Pediatrics; 3800.17/
    *Forsberg D*, Tserga E, Ravella A, Herlenius E. 2015. *Stem cell integration
    into functional neural networks studied in respiratory organotypic brainstem
    slice cultures*. /ISSCR Stockholm Abstract #: W 1193/
    *Forsberg D*, Horn Z, Tserga E, Smedler E, Silberberg G, Kaila K, Uhlén P,
    Herlenius E. 2016. *Breathing Brainstem Neural Networks Generate Sighs and
    Inspiration and Respond to CO2 through Prostaglandin E2 and EP3 Receptors.*
    /Federation European Neuroscience Society FENS Copenhagen/
    Herlenius E, *Forsberg D*, Drevin G, Pejovic NJ. 2017. *Sudden unexpected
    collapse of newborn infants: incidence, risk factors and role of perinatal
    transition.* Presented by Herlenius E (invited speaker)
    *Forsberg D*, Herlenius, E. 2017. *Breathing with glue*. /Strat neuro./
    Awarded best abstract award
    *Forsberg, D*., Ringstedt T, Herlenius E. 2017. *Sniffing glue - Astrocytes
    adjust respiratory behavior through the release of inflammatory modulator
    PGE2. * /The Nordic Neuroscience Meeting Abstract#C9 Stockholm/
    Nazabal A, *Forsberg D*, Mendiguren A, Pineda J, Herlenius E. 2017./
    /*Interaction between prostaglandin E2 and opioids in the
    inspiration-generating preBötzinger complex*. /The Nordic Neuroscience
    Meeting Abstract#C5 Stockholm /Presented by Nazabal A
    Dyberg CH, Fransson S, Andonova T, Sveinbjörnsson B, Lännerholm-Palm J,
    *Forsberg D*, Herlenius E, Martinsson T, Kogner P, Johnsen JI, Wickström M.
    2017. Rho-associated kinase is a therapeutic target in neuroblastoma. /Cancer
    research. Abstract 5832; 77:5832 /Presented by Dyberg C
    Herlenius E, Steinhoff L, Drevin G, Pejovic NJ, *Forsberg D*. 2017. *Sudden
    unexpected collapse of newborn infants: incidence, risk factors and role of
    perinatal transition.* /58th ESPR Annual Meeting, 2nd Congress of joint
    European Neonatal Societies (jENS). Journal of Pediatric and Neonatal
    Individualized Medicine 2017;6(2):e060236, 109-110./ Available from;
    http://www.jpnim.com/index.php/jpnim/article/download/060236/473 [2]
    Abstract #757 /2nd Congress of joint European Neonatal Societies (JENS)/,
    Venice, October 31st - November 4th, 2017 Oral presentation #257
    *Forsberg D*, Steinhoff L, Drevin G, Pejovic N, Herlenius E. *Plötsligt
    spädbarnskollaps – Incidens, riskfaktorer och den perinatala
    omställningen*. 2019. /Annual Swedish Pediatric society meeting Örebro/
    Cited in Swedish Radio Podcast “Så funkar det” by Anders Johansson and
    Måns Nilsson, 2019
    Hjärtlungfonden, Sleep Apnéa, SPF Trögd (The Swedish Association for
    Senior Citizens) Lecture 2019
    Forskarfredag, Presenting research to high school students, Lectures 2013,
    2014, 2017
    Medical Programme, Linköping University (2012)
    [1] http://ultra-early-intervention.creo.tv/2019/ultra_early_interventions_2019
    [2] http://www.jpnim.com/index.php/jpnim/article/download/060236/473


  • I am involved in projects evaluating and developing tools for vital sign scoring at the pediatric emergency department. I also investigate the incidence and outcome of Sudden Unexptected Postnatal Collapse in the Stockholm region. I defended my thesis on function and development of respiratory centers in the medulla oblongata in 2017. The focus was on how astrocytes and inflammation modulate respiration. In the research I developed organotypic slice cultures to study respiratory networks and how they develop and are affected by different factors such as inflammation, gas compositions and neuromodulators. Techniques applied for this were calcium time lapse imaging, optogenetics, immunohistochemistry and electrophysiology.


All other publications



  • Affiliated to Research, Department of Women's and Children's Health, Karolinska Institutet, 2025-2027

Degrees and Education

  • Degree Of Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Women's and Children's Health, Karolinska Institutet, 2018

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