Björn Reinius
Principal Researcher
Telephone: +46852487820
Visiting address: Nobels väg 7, 17165 Solna
Postal address: C2 Medicinsk biokemi och biofysik, C2 MSB Reinius, 171 77 Stockholm
About me
- *Ragnar Söderberg Fellowship in Medicine [1]*
*Swedish Research Council Starting grant [2]*
*Åke Wiberg's Fundation (Medicine) [3]*
*Faculty Funded Postion as Assistant Professor at KI (FoAss) [4]*
- The Reinius laboratory's research is focused on revealing principal features
of gene regulation, and in particular the regulation of active and inactive
chromatin states. A main topic in the lab is X-chromosome inactivation.
*Reinius lab webpage: * [1]
*bioRxiv. 2019: [2] Transcriptional kinetics of X-chromosome
upregulation. *Larsson AJM, Coucoravas C, Sandberg R, Reinius B.
*Cell Reports. 2019:* [3]* Single-cell RNA-seq reveals cellular heterogeneity
of pluripotency transition and X-chromosome dynamics during early mouse
development. *Cheng S*, Pei Y*, He L, Peng G, Reinius B, Tam PPL, Jing N,
Deng Q.
*Nature. 2019: [4]Genomic encoding of transcriptional burst
kinetics. *Larsson AJM, Johnsson P, Hagemann-Jensen M, Hartmanis L, Faridani
OR, Reinius B, Segerstolpe Å, Rivera CM, Ren B, Sandberg R.
*Nature Genetics. 2018: [5]Reply to: High prevalence of clonal monoallelic
expression. *Reinius B and Sandberg R.
*Nature Communications. 2018:* [6] *Parental haplotype-specific single-cell
transcriptomics reveal incomplete epigenetic reprogramming in human female
germ cells.* Vértesy Á, Arindrarto W, Roost MS, Reinius B, Torrens-Juaneda
V, Bialecka M, Moustakas I, Ariyurek Y, Kuijk E, Mei H, Sandberg R, van
Oudenaarden A, Chuva de Sousa Lopes SM.
*Molecular Cell. 2017:* [7] *Comparative Analysis of Single-Cell RNA
Sequencing Methods. *Ziegenhain C, Vieth, Parekh S, Reinius B,
Guillaumet-Adkins A, Smets M, Leonhardt H, Heyn H, Hellmann I, Enard W.
*Nature Genetics. 2016: * [8]*Analysis of allelic expression patterns in
clonal somatic cells by single-cell RNA-seq. *Reinius B*, Mold JE*, Ramsköld
D, Deng Q, Johnsson P, Michaëlsson J, Frisén J, Sandberg R.
*Bioinformatics. 2016: * [9]*scphaser: haplotype inference using single-cell
RNA-seq data. *Edsgärd D, Reinius B, Sandberg R.
*Cell. 2016: * [10]*Single-Cell RNA-Seq Reveals Lineage and X Chromosome
Dynamics in Human Preimplantation Embryos. *Petropoulos S*, Edsgärd D*,
Reinius B*, Deng Q, Panula SP, Codeluppi S, Plaza Reyes A, Linnarsson S,
Sandberg R, Lanner F. (*Co-first author)
*Genome Research. 2016: * [11]*Single-cell analyses of X Chromosome
inactivation dynamics and pluripotency during differentiation. *Chen G,
Schell JP, Benitez JA, Petropoulos S, Yilmaz M, Reinius B, Alekseenko Z, Shi
L, Hedlund E, Lanner F, Sandberg R, Deng Q.
*Nature Reviews Genetics. 2015: * [12]*Random monoallelic expression of
autosomal genes: stochastic transcription and allele-level regulation.
*Reinius B, Sandberg R.
*Nature Communications. 2015: * [13]*MEG3 long noncoding RNA regulates the
TGF-β pathway genes through formation of RNA-DNA triplex structures. *Mondal
T, Subhash S, Vaid R, Enroth S, Uday S, Reinius B, Mitra S, Mohammed A, James
AR, Hoberg E, Moustakas A, Gyllensten U, Jones SJ, Gustafsson CM, Sims AH,
Westerlund F, Gorab E, Kanduri C.
*Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 2015: * [14]*Conditional targeting of
medium spiny neurons in the striatal matrix. *Reinius B, Blunder M, Brett FM,
Eriksson A, Patra K, Jonsson J, Jazin E, Kullander K.
*Genome Research. 2014:* [15]*Tn5 transposase and tagmentation procedures
for massively scaled sequencing projects.* Picelli S, Björklund AK, Reinius
B, Sagasser S, Winberg G, Sandberg R.
*Science. 2014: * [16]*Single-cell RNA-seq reveals dynamic, random
monoallelic gene expression in mammalian cells. *Deng Q*, Ramsköld D*,
Reinius B, Sandberg R.
*Human Molecular Genetics. 2013:* [17] *RNA-binding protein QKI regulates
Glial fibrillary acidic protein expression in human astrocytes.* Radomska KJ,
Halvardson J, Reinius B, Lindholm Carlström E, Emilsson L, Feuk L, Jazin E.
*PLoS One. 2013: * [18]*Elevated expression of H19 and Igf2 in the female
mouse eye.* Reinius B, Kanduri C.
*BMC Genomics. 2012: * [19]*Abundance of female-biased and paucity of
male-biased somatically expressed genes on the mouse X-chromosome. *Reinius
B, Johansson MM, Radomska KJ, Morrow EH, Pandey GK, Kanduri C, Sandberg R,
Williams RW, Jazin E.
*Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. 2011: * [20]*Sexually dimorphic gene
expression in the mammalian brain. *Reinius B.
*Neuron. 2010: * [21]*VGLUT2-dependent sensory neurons in the TRPV1
population regulate pain and itch. *Lagerström MC, Rogoz K, Abrahamsen B,
Persson E, Reinius B, Nordenankar K, Olund C, Smith C, Mendez JA, Chen ZF,
Wood JN, Wallén-Mackenzie A, Kullander K.
*BMC Genomics. 2010: * [22]*Female-biased expression of long non-coding RNAs
in domains that escape X-inactivation in mouse. *Reinius B, Shi C, Hengshuo
L, Sandhu KS, Radomska KJ, Rosen GD, Lu Lu, Kullander K, Williams RW, Jazin
*Molecular Psychiatry. 2009: * [23]*Prenatal sex differences in the human
brain. *Reinius B, Jazin E.
*PLoS Genetics. 2008: * [24]*An evolutionarily conserved sexual signature in
the primate brain.* Reinius B, Saetre P, Leonard JA, Blekhman R,
Merino-Martinez R, Gilad Y, Jazin E.
- Article: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 2024;15(1):8373
- Article: GENOME RESEARCH. 2023;33(3):299-313
- Article: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 2022;13(1):1854
- Article: INDOOR AIR. 2022;32(3):e13023
- Article: NATURE GENETICS. 2022;54(3):306-317
- Article: CELL REPORTS. 2021;35(8):109174
- Article: PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY. 2021;17(3):e1008772
- Article: SCIENCE IMMUNOLOGY. 2021;6(56):eabb7800
- Article: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2021;11(1):1820
- Article: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 2020;11(1):4812
- Article: SCIENCE IMMUNOLOGY. 2020;5(50):eabd6832
- Article: NATURE STRUCTURAL & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY. 2019;26(10):963-969
- Article: CELL REPORTS. 2019;26(10):2593-2607.e3
- Article: NATURE. 2019;565(7738):251-254
- Article: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 2018;9(1):1873
- Article: MOLECULAR CELL. 2017;65(4):631-643.e4
- Article: NATURE GENETICS. 2016;48(11):1430-1435
- Article: GENOME RESEARCH. 2016;26(10):1342-1354
- Article: BIOINFORMATICS. 2016;32(19):3038-3040
- Article: CELL. 2016;165(4):1012-1026
- Article: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 2015;6:7743
- Article: GENOME RESEARCH. 2014;24(12):2033-2040
- Article: SCIENCE. 2014;343(6167):193-196
- Article: HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS. 2013;22(7):1373-1382
- Article: PLOS ONE. 2013;8(2):e56611
- Article: BMC GENOMICS. 2012;13:607
- Article: NEURON. 2010;68(3):529-542
- Article: BMC GENOMICS. 2010;11:614
- Article: PLOS GENETICS. 2008;4(6):e1000100
- Show more
All other publications
- Letter: CURRENT BIOLOGY. 2023;33(10):R395-R396
- Letter: INDOOR AIR. 2022;32(11):e13169
- Corrigendum: INDOOR AIR. 2022;32(8):e13085
- Letter: NATURE GENETICS. 2018;50(9):1199-1200
- Review: NATURE REVIEWS GENETICS. 2015;16(11):653-664
- Letter: MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY. 2009;14(11):987-989