Balbir Dhuper

Balbir Dhuper

HR Partner
Telephone: +46852483675
Visiting address: Blickagången 16, 14151 Stockholm
Postal address: H7 Medicin, Huddinge, H7 Administrativa kansliet HR-enheten, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

    • I work as an HR-partner at the Department of Medicine Huddinge and am
      responsible for the departments:

      * HERM
      * Endocrinology
      * Infectious Diseases and Dermatology
      * MCC

      Support for managers:
      As a manager, you can turn to me for support regarding HR-matters relating to
      recruitment, work environment, labor law issues, skills development,
      leadership and conflict management, etc.

      Support for personnel:
      If you work at above units at MedH and need support related to your
      employment, eg sick leave, vacation, salary payments or benefits, please
      contact me with your questions.

      If you have any HR-related questions, you are welcome to contact me on our
      common HR email:

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