Anja Dekanski

Anja Dekanski

Phd Student
Visiting address: Solnavägen 9, Biomedicum B5, 17165 Solna
Postal address: C3 Fysiologi och farmakologi, C3 FyFa Reproduktiv endokrinologi och metabolism, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I am a PhD student at the Reproductive Endocrinology and Metabolism group lead by Elisabet Stener-Victorin. I come from Serbia, I graduated from Karolinska Institutet's Master in Biomedicine in 2023, and did my Bachelor degree at University College Maastricht in the Netherlands.


  • My current research focuses on understanding cellular-level functional changes in adipose and endometrium tissue in polycystic ovary syndrome. I work mostly with primary human adipose and endometrium cell cultures, including in vitro differentiation and organoids. However, my work also includes basic sequencing-based bioinformatics and clinical data analysis.


  • I have the Dutch University Teaching Qualification (BKO) certificate after teaching for two years as a Junior Teaching Fellow at undergraduate level at Maastricht University in courses including basic research methodology and academic writing.



  • PhD student, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Karolinska Institutet, 2024-2028
  • Phd Student, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Karolinska Institutet, 2024-2025

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