Alessondra Speidel

Alessondra Speidel

Affiliated to Research
Visiting address: Solnavägen 9, 9B, 17177 Stockholm
Postal address: C2 Medicinsk biokemi och biofysik, C2 MSB Stevens, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • DIS Stockholm Lecturer (2021 - present): Design and teach a Biomaterial course

    Karolinska Institute (2017 – present): Supervised 4 undergraduate student and 6 Master’s student thesis projects

    Karolinska Institute Bachelor's Program in Biomedicine (2017 – present): Biochemistry teacher

    Karolinska Institute Medicine Program (2017 – present): Biochemistry teacher

    Freelance College Application Consultant and SAT Tutor (2012 – 2015): Organized private lessons and prepared 18 students in the greater London area

    Ivy Insiders SAT Prep Course Instructor (2011): Advertized, organized, and taught two concurrent SAT courses for 19 students

    Syracuse University Athletic Department Tutor (2011): Tutored 8 students in Earth Science, Forensic Chemistry, and Organic Chemistry

    Duke University Peer Tutoring Program (2009 – 2011): Tutored 7 students in Calculus II, General Chemistry, and Organic Chemistry

    Imperial College London (2011 – 2016): PhD Clinical Medicine Research, Department of Medicine, National Heart & Lung Institute and Department of Materials

    Duke University (2007 – 2011): BSE Biomedical Engineering, Chemistry minor

    Academic honours, awards and prizes
    Karolinska Institute Research Grant (2020 – 2021)

    NBIS long-term bioinformatic support grant (2018 – 2020)

    Karolinska Institute Travel Grant (2020)

    Karolinska Institute Research Grant (2018 – 2020)

    Wenner-Gren Foreign Postdoctoral Scholarship (2018 – 2019)

    From Tissue to Motion Conference Best Poster Presentation Award (2018)

    Karolinska Institute Travel Grant (2018)

    Stiftelsen Lars Hiertas Minne Grant (2018)

    Yanagihara Grant (2016)

    Henry Luce Fellowship (2015 – 2016)

    Rosetrees Trust Grant (2014 – 2015)

    European Life Science Group of the Year Award (2014)

    Biotech Young Entrepreneurs Scheme Division Winners, Best Healthcare Business Plan (2014)

    Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) Andrew Carnegie Research Fund (2013, 2014)

    The Armourers & Brasiers Gauntlet Trust Travel Grant (2013)

    George C. Marshall Scholarship (2011 – 2013)

    Howard G. Clark Award (2011)

    Duke University Pratt Undergraduate Research Fellow (2010 – 2011)

    Alice M. Baldwin Scholar (2007 – 2011)

    The General Electric Employee Federal Credit Union Scholarship (2009 – 2011)

    Frederick K. Kilian Memorial Scholarship Recipient (2007 – 2011)

    Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship Recipient (2007 – 2011)

    New York State Girls Swim & Dive Scholar Athlete of the Year Scholarship Award Recipient (2007)


  • My research focuses on the design, characterization, and examination of different tailored regenerative biomaterials and their target tissues. My current work focuses on examining the biomaterial-tissue interface and better understanding the full breadth of interactions occurring within the tissue in response to the implanted material. This understanding will facilitate and inform the smarter design of novel, more effective, regenerative materials.


  • *DIS Stockholm Lecturer* /(2021 - present)/: Design and teach a Biomaterial
    *Karolinska Institute* /(2017 – present)/: Supervised 4 undergraduate
    student and 6 Master’s student thesis projects
    *Karolinska Institute Bachelor's Program in Biomedicine* /(2017 –
    present)/: Biochemistry teacher
    *Karolinska Institute Medicine Program* /(2017 – present)/: Biochemistry
    *Freelance College Application Consultant and SAT Tutor* /(2012 – 2015)/:
    Organized private lessons and prepared 18 students in the greater London area
    *Ivy Insiders SAT Prep Course Instructor* /(2011)/: Advertized, organized,
    and taught two concurrent SAT courses for 19 students
    *Syracuse University Athletic Department Tutor* /(2011)/: Tutored 8 students
    in Earth Science, Forensic Chemistry, and Organic Chemistry
    *Duke University Peer Tutoring Program */(2009 – 2011)/: Tutored 7 students
    in Calculus II, General Chemistry, and Organic Chemistry


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