Aida Wahlgren
Assistant Senior Lecturer
Visiting address: ALB, Q2:04, 17176 Stockholm
Postal address: K6 Kvinnors och barns hälsa, K6 Klinisk pediatrik, 171 77 Stockholm
About me
- Since 2011 I have been the Course Director for the course in Clinical Medicine with emphasis in Development offered within the study programme in Medicine. In 2014 I became Chair of the 10th semester educational committee that covers Paediatrics, Obstetrics/Gynaecology and Clinical genetics offered at four of the teaching hospitals in Stockholm. I continued to be the course director at the paediatric course at NKS in Solna, once each year the course is given in English so international students can be included.
I am also the Chair for the International Committee of the study programme in Medicine at Karolinska Institutet since July 2017, having begun as teacher representative in the Committee already in 2014. In my team I have teacher and student representatives and also international and programme coordinators. We work with student and teacher exchange in agreements with over 60 partner universities.
Alongside teaching and international activities I work clinically as a Senior Consultant in Paediatrics at Astrid Lindgren Children’s Hospital, Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm. I took my medical degree at Karolinska Institutet in 1992. Parallel with my internship I worked on my PhD. My main research focus has been on basic research of the testis. During this time I also taught both internally at KI and externally at different courses and schools of higher education. I received my PhD in 2003.
I have always had a passion for teaching medical students as well as medical doctors and nurses in the field of Paediatrics. I have, among other things, developed a course in the difficult conversation for faculty which was initiated 2014 and has continued since then. I also developed a course in general Paediatrics for resident doctors in Child Psychiatry but left the responsibility to the paediatric psychiatry team after a couple of years. For several years I assisted faculty staff in gaining pedagogic competence by developing and holding a course in teaching students in the clinical setting in collaboration with the Centre for clinical education at KI.
- Article: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANDROLOGY. 2012;35(2):211-213
- Article: ENDOCRINOLOGY. 2008;149(6):2917-2922
- Article: JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY. 2006;208(2):373-385
- Article: JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY. 2005;187(1):117-124
- Article: MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY. 2005;240(1-2):64-73
- Article: MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY. 2003;201(1-2):39-46
- Article: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANDROLOGY. 2000;23(6):360-365
All other publications
- Review: ASIAN JOURNAL OF ANDROLOGY. 2004;6(2):149-153
- Doctoral thesis: 2003
- Published conference paper: ANDROLOGIA. 2000;32(1):52-55
- Assistant Senior Lecturer, Department of Women's and Children's Health, Karolinska Institutet, 2022-
Degrees and Education
- Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Women's and Children's Health, Karolinska Institutet, 2003
- University Medical Degree, Karolinska Institutet, 1992