Environment and sustainable development at OnkPat

As all the governmental organizations in Sweden, Karolinska institutet has formulated an action plan of protecting the environment and ensure sustainable development. We are part of global efforts to reduce the impact of our activities on the environment. We at OnkPat follow the guidelines from KI in our yearly plan with concrete actions to save energy, reduce pollution and waste and minimize the risks for health from our laboratory activities.


The environment and sustainable development representative or Miljö- och hållbarhetsombud in Swedish, has a responsibility to work with and communicate to all staff at OnkPat about our actions to sustain the sustainability at work. We follow the guidelines to environmental and sustainability work at Karolinska Institutet, a short guide can be found in the movie below, One KI for Sustainable Development. A number of goals for research and education have been defined according to significant environmental aspects, such as energy, travel, procurement, purchasing, lab safety, chemicals and waste. The KI’s program and action plan to increase the awareness of climate crisis and decrease the negative impact of our activities on the environment can be found here. We all at KI should be aware of this program and the OnkPat representative is responsible to create and fulfill our own Department’s Plan that can be found below. The envionment and sustainable development representative is a member of the Work Environment group at OnkPat, where we work together to sustain a link between our own safety and sustainability at work. We follow the concept of Planetary health, where the health and prosperity of human civilization is dependent on the health and prosperity of natural systems and all life on our planet.

Major Work Areas


  • reduce the environmental impact of our research activities 
  • minimize health and environmental risks from the laboratory activities
  • reduce waste and increase recycling 

Education and Information 

  • acquire "competence" at all levels of sustainable development in education and research 
  • systematically acquire statistics and measurements, including energy use and environmental impact from travel
  • through organization and management, enable systematic work with environment and sustainability issues

One KI for sustainable development

Waste management and recycling

Profile image

Katja Pokrovskaja Tamm

Environment and sustainable development representative

We can make a difference!

Activity plan for Sustainable Development

Letters from your representative

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